Chapter Four (part . 2)

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The pack, now silent, watches the tension unfold like a storm brewing in the room. Raven feels their eyes on her, the weight of the moment pressing down. She takes a deep breath, steadying herself before meeting Rileigh's smug gaze.

"You walked out on me, remember?" Raven's voice is calm, but there's a sharpness beneath it. "And Lila... she's more of a woman than you'll ever be. For the first time, someone actually loves me back."

Rileigh's smirk falters slightly, but she doesn't respond, her eyes narrowing.

"You never did," Raven continues, her voice unwavering. "So stop acting like you ever cared."

Rileigh shifts in her chair, her smile faltering, but she covers it quickly with a scoff. "I cared. You just never understood how I cared, Raven."

Raven lets out a bitter laugh, shaking her head. "No, Rileigh, you didn't. You cared about yourself. That's the difference between you and Lila."

"And I'm done having this conversation." Without waiting for a response, she grabs her drink, knocking it back as if to wash away the taste of the past.

Rileigh opens her mouth to respond, but before she can, Selena chimes in, sensing the tension needs to be broken. "You know, I think we need a long ride around the reservation. Hell, maybe even a swim at the lake."

Tobias, seated nearby, smiles. "That sounds like an amazing idea," he says, eager for a change in the atmosphere.

Cooper nods in agreement, leaning back in his chair. "Why don't you call Lila and ask her to join? Show her around the rez."

Raven glances at him, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly at the mention of Lila. "Yeah, she'd probably like that."

Selena grins, already pushing back her chair. "Then let's get going. I need some fresh air before I lose my mind in here."

Raven steps outside, pulling out her phone as she dials Lila's number. She waits, listening to the long ring, but no answer comes—just the click of voicemail.

"Hey, umm, I'm going out with the pack to ride a bit and visit the reservation. Cooper thought it'd be a good time to show you around. I know you're busy with family and all, but I just wanted to check in. I'll see you in a few days, babe. I love you." She pauses for a moment before ending the call, feeling a strange emptiness as she pockets ,the pack is already prepping their bikes. Cooper catches her eye. "She coming?"

"Nah, maybe another time," Raven replies, slipping on her leather jacket. "She's busy."

Cooper nods, swinging a leg over his bike. "Well, let's get goin' then."

Raven mounts her bike as the engines roar to life around her, the rumble vibrating in her chest. The pack, in perfect sync, pulls out of the lot, heading down the road toward the reservation. The wind whips through Raven's hair as they ride, and for a moment, the weight of her conversation with Rileigh—and the silence from Lila—fades into the background. This is where she belongs: on the road, with her pack.

The pack drives along the winding back roads, the scent of pine and fresh earth filling the air as they make their way to Redstone Ridge. Raven lingers at the back of the group, letting the thrill of the ride wash over her. The roar of the engines drowns out her thoughts, if only for a little while.

Finally, they arrive at the lake, its surface shimmering under the bright sun. As soon as they dismount, the pack kicks off their boots and strips down to their underwear, laughing and shouting as they dash toward the water. Raven watches them, a small smile creeping onto her face, her heart lightening at the sight of her pack in such carefree joy.

She takes her time, peeling off her jacket and letting the cool breeze brush against her skin as she walks slowly toward the water. But as she nears the lake, she notices Rileigh standing at the edge, the last one to undress.

Rileigh waits until Raven approaches, then turns to her, a smirk playing on her lips as she strips down to nothing but her underwear and bra. "Wanna take a dip with me?" she calls out, her tone playful yet taunting, the challenge hanging in the air between them.

Raven's heart races, the memory of their past flaring to life as she tries to maintain her composure. The laughter of the pack seems distant now, the warm sun turning into an oppressive weight.

"Not a chance," Raven shoots back, her voice steady as she continues walking toward the water, determined to not let Rileigh's presence spoil her moment.

But Rileigh doesn't back down. "Come on, Raven. It'll be fun. Just like old times."

The tension crackles in the air as Raven pauses, the water lapping at her feet, her instincts screaming to keep moving.

Raven shakes her head, the corners of her mouth twitching into a reluctant smile. "Alright, we're swimming," she concedes, her heart racing from both excitement and caution. "But no funny business."

Rileigh laughs, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Promise! Just a dip and some fun, right?" She steps back toward the water, splashing playfully as she invites Raven to join.

Raven rolls her eyes but can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline. The cool water glimmers invitingly, and she knows that she can't let Rileigh's presence ruin her moment with the pack. With one last glance at Rileigh, she wades into the lake, the refreshing chill enveloping her legs and pulling her further in.

The pack follows, diving in with shouts and laughter, creating a playful chaos as they splash around. Raven's laughter mingles with theirs, and for a moment, the tension fades, replaced by the thrill of the water and the camaraderie of her pack.

As she swims deeper, she can feel Rileigh swimming alongside her, an ever-present reminder of their past. Raven tries to ignore the way her heart beats faster at Rileigh's closeness, focusing instead on her friends, the sun shining down, and the freedom of the moment.

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