Found Again- pt.2

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Raven and Rileigh pull up to Rileigh's house, both buzzing from the night. As they approach the door, Raven notices it's slightly ajar.

"What the hell?" Raven whispers, opening the door cautiously. As she steps inside, her senses heighten; her eyes glow, and her fangs and claws emerge instinctively. The house is dark, but she catches a familiar scent that sends her heart plummeting.

"Lila," she says, dread washing over her. Just then, Lila flicks on a light, her expression a mix of shock and betrayal.

"Wow. I'm gone to see my family, and my grandmother dies, and you're here fucking your ex... and you..." Lila's voice quakes with hurt.

"Hi, vampie," Rileigh snarls back defensively.

In a flash, Lila rushes across the room, shoving Rileigh outside onto the ground. Just as Lila prepares to swing , Raven intercepts her.

"Lila, stop! I said STOP!" Raven commands with a growl , helping Rileigh back to her feet.

Tears well up in Lila's eyes, her voice breaking. "How could you, Raven? She fucking cheated and left you, and all I've done is love you!"

Raven's heart shatters at the sight of Lila in pain, but the words stick in her throat.

"I saved your fucking life, damn it! I fucking bit you and saved you!" Lila's anguish is palpable.

"Wait, what? You're a fucking hybrid now?" Rileigh interjects, disbelief clear in her tone.

"Yeah, it's true. And yes, you did save me. I... I have no good excuse. Nothing to say but I'm sorry, Lila," Raven cries out, the weight of her emotions crashing down on her.

"Fuck me then, right?" Lila asks, bitterness lacing her words.

"This is where I belong. This club, this pack. I'll never be fancy like you and your family with their huge mansions and money. I do care about you. But, Lila, that's not me. That's not my life, and I don't want to be your secret," Raven admits, her voice trembling. "Your mom and dad don't even know about me. I'm just a little pet they keep pushing you to have drinks with some guy who's got it all and can give you the kids you want. And I know you want that too. I read that page in your journal. You don't feel the same about me. That's why you took this trip—to go have closure and explore your options."

"Did you or did you not go out for drinks and dinners with him to see how you felt about him? Because your mom and dad wanted you to. So, you didn't want to disappoint, and afterwards, you actually enjoyed his company," Raven presses, her tone firm but pained.

"Yeah, Raven, I have. I'm bi well questioning , and me and Patrick—we have history. We dated in high school but broke it off when he went to college to be a lawyer. We ran into one another and caught up, and I kissed him. I don't know... I was ready to tell Mom about you, but I just... I don't know. This biker bullshit isn't for me either. You're not wrong. I do want to be married, have kids, and one day, yeah, I want to go back home and live fancy," Lila admits, her voice quaking with vulnerability.

The atmosphere in the room hangs heavy as Lila's words sink in. She takes a deep breath, her gaze steady but filled with sorrow. "We both know we had something special, but we've moved on, Raven. We've found our lives, the ones we're supposed to love and grow old with."

Raven's heart aches at the truth of it all. "I never wanted it to end like this. I thought we could find our way back."

Lila shakes her head gently. "This isn't about going back. It's about moving forward. I brought everything here, all your things are in the room. And when the house is sold, it's yours. I have more than enough money, and it's not fair you worked and paid for that house too when you moved in with me. Please just take the money when it comes. I'm sorry."

Raven's throat tightens as she processes Lila's words. "You don't have to do this," she says softly, a lump forming in her throat.

"I want to. This is goodbye, Raven," Lila replies, her voice breaking slightly. She steps closer, pulling Raven into a tight hug, lingering as if trying to hold onto the moment just a little longer. "I'll always care about you."

The embrace feels like a bittersweet farewell, filled with memories of laughter, love, and dreams that now feel distant. As they part, Lila wipes away a tear, her expression resolute. "This is it."

With one last lingering look, Lila turns and walks toward the moving truck parked down the road. Raven watches as she climbs in, her heart heavy with the weight of finality. The engine rumbles to life, and Lila glances back one last time, a mixture of sadness and acceptance in her eyes.

"Goodbye, Raven," Lila calls, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Goodbye, Lila," Raven responds, feeling the tears spill over as the truck pulls away. She knows, deep down, that this is the last time she will see Lila. The distance between them grows as the truck disappears down the road, taking with it a piece of Raven's heart.

As she stands there, the reality of what just happened sinks in. Raven's heart aches with the loss, the silence of the house echoing the absence of what once was. She turns slowly, feeling the weight of her decisions and the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

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