Chapter Nine : Say Yes

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Days have passed since that emotional goodbye with Lila. Raven and Rileigh, rekindling their connection, are getting dressed and ready for another day. As they hop on Raven's bike, Rileigh wraps her arms around her waist, holding on as they roar down the road toward Grimwolf Tavern.

When they arrive, hand in hand, the pack is already inside, lounging around with drinks and laughter. As soon as Raven and Rileigh step in, all eyes turn toward them.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to get back together," Dallas teases, smirking at them.

Raven and Rileigh can't help but laugh, feeling the warmth and welcome of the pack. Their family. The pack's smiles make the moment even sweeter.

"Congratulations, you two," Cooper chimes in with a grin. "I had a feeling this would happen."

Raven nods toward him, a silent gesture of appreciation. "Thanks, Coop."

Cooper grins, clapping his hands together. "Alright, to the bikes! Let's ride."

The pack gears up, everyone hopping on their motorcycles. The sound of engines revving fills the air as they hit the road together. After riding for a while, the scent of salty air hits their noses, and the view of the ocean spreads out in front of them. They all dismount near the beach, but Raven keeps riding, pulling ahead of the group until she finds a quiet, secluded spot away from the others.

Rileigh watches her curiously, pulling off her helmet as Raven finally stops. "What are we doing, Rave?"

Raven takes a breath, looking out at the horizon before turning to Rileigh. "I just wanted to be alone with you for a minute, that's all."

She steps closer, grabbing Rileigh by the waist and pulling her in for a deep kiss, one that says everything they both need to hear. But just as the moment intensifies, Raven's phone vibrates in her pocket, breaking the spell. She pulls back, glancing down at the screen.

It's a text from Cooper. Ok, ready when you are.

Raven's expression shifts as she looks at the message, but she quickly tucks her phone back in her pocket, her focus returning to Rileigh. "Just give me one more minute," she says softly, her lips curling into a smile.

They hop back onto Raven's bike and return to the spot where the rest of the pack is waiting. Parking the bike next to the others, Raven takes Rileigh's hand, and they begin to walk down a path on the beach, following a trail of rose petals and small candles flickering along the way.

"What's all this?" Rileigh asks, her curiosity growing as they reach the end of the trail. They stop in the center of a large heart made from rose petals, the sun now setting behind them, casting the perfect glow over the ocean.

Rileigh turns to face Raven, still confused, but then she sees Raven dropping down onto one knee. The pack, now circled around them, watches quietly as Dallas strums his acoustic guitar, and he and Sam begin singing I Can't Help Falling in Love With You by Elvis.

Rileigh gasps, tears already forming in her eyes as she looks down at Raven, who holds a small box with a beautiful ring inside.

"Rileigh, you've been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We found each other once before and lost our way, but in that time apart, I realized how much I missed you—how much I missed us." Raven pauses, taking a deep breath. "You are my person. And I never want to be separated from you again. I've waited my entire life for this moment, and now, I can't imagine my life without you in it. Rileigh , will you do me the honor of marrying me and spending the rest of our lives together?"

Rileigh's tears spill over as she smiles through them. "Yes, baby. A million times yes."

Raven slips the ring onto Rileigh's finger, then stands, lifting her fiancée into her arms. They laugh, spinning around together, the moment filled with pure joy. As the two kiss, the sun disappears below the horizon, Dallas's guitar still playing softly in the background, sealing the perfect moment as the rest of the pack cheers them on.

 As the two kiss, the sun disappears below the horizon, Dallas's guitar still playing softly in the background, sealing the perfect moment as the rest of the pack cheers them on

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Rileighs ring

Rileighs ring

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Ravens ring

After the engagement, the pack heads back to Grimwolf Tavern while Raven and Rileigh make their way home. As they walk through the door of Rileigh's place, Rileigh pulls out a small box from her jacket pocket.

"Here," she says softly, handing it to Raven.

Raven opens the box and sits down, feeling a surge of curiosity and emotion. But before she can take out the contents, Rileigh speaks.

"Before you pull it out, I have something to say," Rileigh begins, her voice wavering with sincerity. "I bought this a long time ago when we first dated. I put it away and waited for the right moment to give it to you. Raven, I'm so incredibly sorry for what I did back then. You were so sure of us, so fixated on forever, and I... I was scared. I wanted to feel free, not tied down, and I acted out. But cheating on you, going off with that weirdo—those were the worst decisions of my life. I hurt you in ways I'll never forgive myself for, and I don't expect you to trust me overnight. But I want to try and earn that trust again. I know now, more than ever, that there's no one else for me. It's always been you, Raven. Always."

Rileigh takes a deep breath before continuing. "I know you don't have a place to go now that the house is being sold, and since your things were brought here... I still want to do this the way I originally planned. Go ahead, take it out."

Raven, her heart pounding, reaches into the box and pulls out a keychain. Attached is a house key along with a small wooden piece, engraved with the letters "R&R."

"Raven Blackwood, will you do the honors and move in with me? Build a life with me?" Rileigh asks, her eyes hopeful.

Raven, tears brimming in her eyes, nods softly. "Yes."

Rileigh grins, but before Raven can say more, Rileigh steps closer, taking Raven's hand in hers. "There's something else," she says with a smile. "You kind of beat me to it."

Rileigh pulls out a dark, elegant ring band from her pocket and holds it out to Raven.

"I was actually going to ask you to marry me when we got home tonight," Rileigh says, a playful smile tugging at her lips.

Raven's heart swells with emotion as the reality of their future together begins to set in.

Revved hearts (part .3) : Love & LiesWhere stories live. Discover now