Chapter 2

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☾Park Sora's POV☽

After the tour around the whole building, Director gave me keys to a dorm. As I unlocked the door, I went straight to the bed. Suddenly missing home, I spilled a few tears out. I took out my phone and tried facetiming my parents. Quickly wiping my tears before they picked up.

"Sora!!!" Both of them yelled of excitement

"Mom! Dad! I miss you guys.." I said with my shaking voice as tears threatened to spill.

"Oh honey, we miss you too! But soon as you're given a break you can come back anytime!" Dad pleaded. "Brownie's barking like crazy. Brownie! Come here boy!" Dad faced the camera to my fluffy brown poodle.

"Brownie!" I screamed and he barked back. "Aw baby, mommy misses you too!"

"How do you like Korea so far?" Mom asked.

"I'm loving it!" Forgetting to tell them about Jungkook. No, let's not mention him ever, they'll think I'm dating him.. Why am I thinking of him? Stop it Sora!

"Mom, Dad. I'll call you guys next time, I'm kind of tired.." I yawned and spoke at the same time.

"Oh honey, you must be really tired. Get some rest and call any time you're free. Love you!" Mom cooed.

"Love you also Sora!" Dad shouted from across the room. His shout came along with Brownie barking.

I smiled. "Love you guys too" then hung up. My eyelids were getting heavy and soon my vision went black.







I woke up from my phones vibration. I groaned as I picked up. "Yeoboseyo?" I answered.

"Ah! Sora, this is Han Jae Min. Your director. Well feel free to save my number and call me if you're concerned about anything."

"Ah, ne. Ghamsahamida!" Then hung up.

Unpacking clothes, I hung outerwears on the hooks and folded the rest and placed them into cabinets. The trend in this dorm is pretty old fashioned. Antique items around the room, plaid stools, the room color.

Getting pretty bored I got whatever jacket was lying around and went down to the café.

Standing in line, in front of me was Jungkook ordering his coffee.

Sharp jawline, eyes are sparkling..

Wait, SORA PARKER! What are you thinking right now?! I mentally slapped my self.

As he was done, I ordered mine. "a grande caramel macchiato please." Trying my best to speak Korean.

"$4.49" I handed the money "Ghamsahamida" she smiled, returning the smile. I grabbed the change and stood behind Jungkook.

After both of us getting our coffees, Jungkook sat at a single table and I sat 4 tables in front of him.

Reading his magazine I observed his face..

How old could he be? What school does he attend to? Wh- Yah, Park Sora, Sora Parker! You're being heck of a creep right now. Not noticing Jungkook was staring back at me with his signature serious face, he lifted an eyebrow. Soon then, I spat out my coffee. Everyone at the cafe had attention on me.

Choking on my coffee, one hand covering my mouth, and one hand fanning myself to calm down. Someone handed me a cup of water.

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