Part 13

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The night deepened, the stars twinkling brighter as Sabrina lay back against the roof of the rundown bus, Starlight still curled up in her lap. The world seemed quieter here, softer, as if the city itself knew she needed this moment of solitude. The only sounds were the occasional rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze and Starlight's rhythmic purring, a soothing backdrop to the chaotic thoughts swirling in her mind.

As Sabrina stared up at the stars, her thoughts turned inexorably back to Xavier, despite her efforts to let him drift away. She replayed their last conversation over and over, searching for clarity, for understanding of why he had pulled away yet again. Each recollection was like a fresh wound, the sting of rejection mingling with the warmth of what they had shared, however fleeting it was.

The cool night air made her shiver, and she pulled her jacket tighter around herself, trying to focus on the sky instead of the ache in her heart. But no matter how hard she tried to distract herself, she couldn't shake the memory of how close they had been just moments before he left. She had felt something there—something real—and yet, it had slipped away before she could grasp it. It was infuriating, the way he would shut her out just when she thought they were breaking through the walls he had built.

Starlight stirred, stretching lazily in her lap, breaking Sabrina's spiral of thoughts. "Hey there, little one," she whispered, her voice softening. She gently ran her fingers along Starlight's back, feeling the soft fur beneath her fingertips, grounding herself in the moment. But even the comfort of her kitten couldn't completely ease the turmoil inside her.

"I can't just sit here," she murmured, glancing at the open sky. The stars twinkled like distant lanterns, but they couldn't illuminate the darkness that felt all too close. She couldn't remain lost in her thoughts, waiting for something to change. She needed answers. She needed to figure out what she truly wanted from Xavier and from herself.

"Come on, little one," she said, gently lifting Starlight off her lap and placing her on the blanket beside her. Sabrina stood up, stretching out her stiff limbs and gazing out into the night, where the moon hung low, casting a silvery glow over everything. The bus had always been her place to think, but now she felt restless. She needed more than just the comfort of familiar surroundings; she needed clarity.

Taking a deep breath, Sabrina made a decision that felt both liberating and daunting. She would stop waiting for Xavier to figure things out. Tomorrow, she would confront him again—not with anger or bitterness, but with the resolve she had found tonight. No more vague words, no more half-hearted promises. She needed to know what was truly going on in his heart, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

With a new sense of purpose coursing through her veins, Sabrina gathered her things, carefully wrapping Starlight in her blanket again and placing her gently in her bag. She climbed down from the bus, her resolve hardening with each step as she traversed the familiar route back home. The cool night breeze whispered around her, urging her onward, carrying away some of the weight that had settled in her chest earlier.

When she reached her front door, the reality of her decision began to settle in. The darkness of the night contrasted sharply with the warm, inviting light spilling from her home. It felt like stepping back into the safety of a cocoon, but Sabrina knew she had to face the unknown. This was a turning point, a chance to reclaim her own narrative rather than letting Xavier dictate the terms of their relationship.

Inside, the scent of baked goods still lingered, a comforting reminder of her mother's warmth. But Sabrina didn't linger in the kitchen this time. She headed upstairs, each step echoing the rising anticipation and anxiety in her chest. Starlight mewed softly, as if sensing her restlessness, and Sabrina smiled, grateful for the little creature that offered her unwavering support.

As she settled Starlight on her bed, Sabrina's mind continued to race. The exhaustion of the day began to creep in, but sleep felt like a distant promise. She lay down beside her kitten, staring at the ceiling, replaying the moments she had shared with Xavier. The flicker of his vulnerability, the way his walls had cracked just for a second—those fragments lingered in her mind, reminding her that beneath the anger and frustration, there was a person fighting his own battles.

Could she be the one to help him face those battles? A wave of determination surged within her. Sabrina wanted to be there for him, but she also wanted to protect herself. If he walked away again, then so be it. At least she would know where she stood, rather than living in a perpetual state of uncertainty.

As the night deepened, she felt the weight of the day slowly slipping away. The moonlight filtered through her window, casting a gentle glow over the room. Sabrina closed her eyes, letting the sounds of the night lull her into a state of quiet reflection.

Tomorrow would be different. Tomorrow, she would lay her heart on the line, not in desperation but in hope. She would show Xavier that she cared enough to confront the issues between them. And as the shadows of her fears began to melt into the background, Sabrina allowed herself to drift off to sleep, cradled in the comfort of her dreams, hoping that the dawn would bring not only clarity but perhaps the beginning of something new between them.

In her slumber, she imagined what it would be like to see Xavier again, to look into his eyes and finally understand the struggles that lay behind them. Would he let her in? Would he see that she was ready to fight for them both? The possibilities danced in her mind like the stars overhead, shimmering with potential. And as she surrendered to sleep, she held onto that flicker of hope, believing that tomorrow could change everything.

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