Part 20

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The day had started with so much promise, the excitement palpable in the air as students, teachers, and families gathered to celebrate senior graduation. It was the day Sabrina had been waiting for—her final moment at the school that had seen her grow and struggle, laugh and cry. The schoolyard was alive with chatter and the rustle of graduation gowns, the vibrant colors of balloons bobbing in the background. The world felt bright, full of possibilities.

Sabrina adjusted her graduation cap, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to cross the stage. Her name was called, and everything else faded away as she stepped forward. Her feet felt light, her head held high. The years of late-night studying, the personal battles, and the moments of doubt had all led to this. As she walked across that stage, under the bright sun and the cheering of her classmates, she felt radiant. She grasped her diploma with trembling hands, a symbol of all she had achieved.

The crowd applauded as she turned to face them, scanning the faces until she found Xavier. There he was, standing just off to the side, holding a bouquet of roses, his eyes locked onto her with pride and love. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him. Xavier, her rock, her confidant, the boy who had walked through every storm with her. She knew this moment wasn't just about her—it was about them, too. They had been through so much together, and this day felt like the culmination of everything.

Her smile widened, and for a moment, it felt like the world existed only for them. The future stretched out before her like an open field, brimming with possibility. This was their fresh start.

After the ceremony, she wove through the clusters of classmates and families, eager to get to him. The sun shone brightly overhead, casting a golden glow over everything. Laughter filled the air, the buzz of celebration wrapping around her like a warm embrace. Sabrina's excitement bubbled up inside her, making her feel lighter than she had in years. She couldn't wait to celebrate with Xavier, to hold him and share in the joy of this incredible day. She had seen the bouquet of roses, and she wondered what sweet words he had prepared to say. Her heart raced with anticipation.

As she spotted him near the curb, she raised her hand and waved, grinning from ear to ear. Xavier waved back, his smile infectious, his eyes shining with affection. She could see how eager he was, motioning for her to hurry over. His excitement matched her own, and it made her laugh. They were about to step into the next chapter of their lives together, and it felt perfect.

She took a step off the curb, and in that instant, everything changed.

The screech of tires pierced the air. A blur of motion. The world seemed to shift on its axis as Sabrina turned just in time to see the car barreling toward her. The impact was sudden, violent—a jarring collision that ripped through her body like a force of nature. Her vision exploded in white-hot pain as the air was knocked from her lungs. Time slowed down, stretching the moment into a distorted nightmare as she felt herself being hurled through the air, her body crumpling against the hard pavement.

There was silence. Then chaos.

Sabrina's consciousness flickered in and out as the world around her spun in a dizzying blur. She could barely register the shouts of people rushing toward her, the frantic movement, the sound of Xavier screaming her name, over and over. His voice, once so full of joy, was now ragged with terror.

Pain radiated through every fiber of her being. She tried to move, to open her eyes, but everything felt heavy—her limbs, her eyelids, even her breath. It felt like she was sinking into the ground, the cold concrete beneath her the only solid thing in a world that had suddenly become so terrifyingly fragile.

"Sabrina!" Xavier's voice cut through the haze. She could feel him next to her, his hands trembling as they cupped her face. She blinked, her vision swimming as she struggled to focus. His face hovered above hers, his expression one of pure devastation, his eyes wide with fear.

"Sabrina, please... stay with me." His voice was shaking, barely holding back the flood of emotions he was trying so desperately to keep under control. She could see the tears in his eyes, glistening like shattered glass, threatening to fall. The sight broke her heart.

She tried to speak, to tell him she was okay, that she wasn't going anywhere, but the words wouldn't come. Her chest ached with every shallow breath, and the world was slipping further away with each passing second. She blinked again, her fingers twitching as she attempted to reach for him, to touch his face, to reassure him that she was still here.

"I'm right here," she wanted to say, but all she could manage was the faintest whisper of a movement, her hand weakly brushing against his cheek.

Xavier leaned closer, pressing her hand to his face as if trying to anchor her to the world, as if his touch alone could keep her here. Tears streamed down his face now, unchecked, as he pleaded with her. "I can't lose you, Sabrina. I can't. Please... please don't leave me."

His words cut through her like a knife, the raw emotion in his voice sending a fresh wave of pain through her already battered body. She wanted to fight, to stay, but the darkness was closing in, swallowing her piece by piece. Her body felt like it was shutting down, like each breath was being stolen from her lungs.

She blinked up at him, tears slipping from her own eyes as she gazed at the boy she loved, the boy who had stood by her side through everything. She could feel the love radiating from him, the desperation in his grip, but she was so tired. So very tired.

The sounds around them blurred into a cacophony of distant voices and sirens. She heard the paramedics, but their words seemed far away, lost in the growing void between her and the world. Her grip on Xavier's hand loosened, and she could see the panic flood his features as he felt her slipping away.

"Sabrina, no—no, no, no..." His voice broke, and he collapsed beside her, pulling her limp body into his arms. She could feel the warmth of his embrace, the way he cradled her so carefully, as if she were made of glass.

The world was fading fast now, the edges of her vision darkening as she fought to stay conscious. She tried to focus on Xavier, on the feel of his hands, his warmth, his love. She didn't want to go. She wasn't ready. They still had so much to do, so much to say. They were supposed to have a future—a life together.

"Xavier..." Her voice was barely a whisper, barely audible over the chaos surrounding them, but she hoped he could hear her. She wanted him to know she was still fighting, still holding on, even as everything seemed to be slipping away.

"I love you," she whispered, her voice cracking as the pain became too much. She squeezed his hand one last time, her body growing cold, the warmth of his touch the only thing tethering her to this world.

The paramedics were there now, lifting her onto a stretcher, their voices urgent, but all she could see was Xavier. His face, twisted in anguish, his eyes filled with a love so deep it broke her heart.

As they rushed her away, the last thing she saw was Xavier collapsing to his knees, his hands covering his face as the weight of his grief finally consumed him.

The hospital was a blur of bright lights and sterile walls, voices echoing around her as they wheeled her through the hallways. She could feel the life draining from her, each breath more labored than the last, but she clung to the memory of Xavier's face, his touch, his love.

When the doctor's voice broke through the fog, telling her family there wasn't much time left, the reality of it all crashed over her like a tidal wave. She could hear her mother's sobs, her father's shaky voice, but it was Xavier's crushing cry that hurt the most.

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