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It was a hot day and I wiped my brow as I looked over the accounts I had written. I looked over at my brother Jundon, who came into our tent and drank some water.

“Did Arman get hungry?”

“Yeah,” Jundon said. “I gave him back to his mom…so maybe now we can help Chaman with the garden.”

I nodded and put my scrolls away. Jundon and I left the tent that we shared and headed towards the garden. As we made our way across the oasis, Jundon pointed something out to me.

“King Sam is still there.”

I saw Samoscian was sitting under one of the trees, facing directly east with his eyes closed. Ty had explained to me before that he was meditating, and this was when he would receive his visions of Friju. Jundon and I were quiet as we passed him, but then he suddenly jumped to his feet and looked up the tree.

“Man of the Wood!” he called up. “We must make haste!”

Jundon and I stopped as Ty slid down from the tree.

“What is it?” Ty asked.

Samoscian pointed to the north.

“A great storm rages. My lady is on a ship…and the ship will go down. She and the others will wash up on the shore. We must go to them.”

“I’m going too!” Jundon said. “I have to find Piku.”

Samoscian gave a nod.

“Then go…and find her brother. We will get the camels ready.”

The group left that very hour. Samoscian, Ty, Pitru, and Minu each rode one camel and led another one, which was loaded with food and water. Jundon rode on Pitru’s pack camel with Red perched on top of his head. They traveled a good distance northward and were soon able to see the storm raging over the sea in the distance.

“The ship is out there,” Samoscian said. “And again, the king has destroyed the shrine.”

“Uh oh,” said Pitru. “Are the Grumans blaming the storm on that?”

“They are,” Samoscian grinned. “They will throw the remnants overboard.”

“Oh no!” Minu cried.

“I have not finished.”

They all looked at him and he laughed.

“Being thrown off the ship will save them…as they will not be on the ship when it crashes on the rocks.”

They finally reached the sea, which lapped up against the sandy beach. Planks of wood were already washing up on the shore. Jundon jumped down and ran to the water.

“Be careful,” said Minu. “The riptide may pull you away.”

“I see someone!” Jundon called, pointing over the water. “He’s…he’s humongous! And he’s got Piku!”

They stared as a very large man, twice the size of Ichoi, walked easily through the waters with Piku on his shoulders.

“Jundon!” Piku waved. “You’re here!”

“Piku!” Jundon cheered.

In spite of any warnings, he swam out to meet them. The large man just smiled and lifted him up as well. Jundon and Piku embraced each other and laughed.

“This is Jundon Mister Giant,” said Piku, looking down at the large man. “And Jundon, this is the King of Welvale.”

“Hi Mister Giant,” Jundon said. “Thanks for saving Piku from the ghost.”

Piku sighed and looked at him.

“You were the one who did that.”

Jundon swallowed.

“I did?”

“I could…see you,” Piku said, biting her lip. “And I heard you say that…that you almost died!”

Piku threw her arms around Jundon, who sighed and held her tight.

“I did Piku. And I wasn’t going to let that happen to you.”

Piku started sobbing and Jundon held her in his arms. The giant brought them to shore and put them on one of the camels. Pitru and Minu went over to them while the giant went back to pull someone else out of the water.

“Oh thank you Bichon,” said the girl. “I uh…wasn’t expecting a welcoming party.”

Bichon gave a shrug and looked at Samoscian, who gave a smile.

“We did not expect anyone to arrive from this direction.”

“I guess not,” she said, wringing out her dress. “I’m Bec Durida. You must be Friju’s um…boyfriend.”

Samoscian gave a bright smile.

“I am. But why do I not see her yet?”

“Well they’re still back there,” Bec said, turning around. “We’ve been floating to shore on what’s left of the mast…and Friju and Kiki are still holding on to it.”

Samoscian nodded and cocked his head to Ty, who jumped down from the camel.

“You will have to assist me,” he sighed. “I do not swim.”

Ty nodded and ran out into the water. He dove through the waves, but didn’t see anything. But he did hear something and listened carefully.

“Where are you my love?” came the voice. “I see your light! You must come to me!”

Ty looked around but didn’t see anyone. But he called out over the water.

“Where are you? I hear you…but do not see!”

There was a pause before he heard it again.

“Keep coming my Love!”

Ty nodded and continued to swim until he heard the voice again.

“I can see you! We are on your left!”

Ty looked to the left and saw the long bit of wood, which two girls were clinging to. He quickly swam to it and grabbed on. He had to catch his breath for a minute before looking over at the two girls, one of which turned to the other.

“Well yours is here,” she said. “But where is mine?”

Ty gave a sigh.

“He is the Man of the Desert,” he said. “He does not swim.”

The girl blinked and laughed.

“I should have thought of that! But thankfully I’m from Monlan. You can take over here.”

She let go of the wood and dove under the water, swimming ahead of them. Ty smiled and looked at the other girl, who was blushing.

“You can…throw your voice?” he asked.

She blushed and nodded and he gave a smile.

“You need not be ashamed…my Love.”

She looked at him and he pulled her closer, allowing the waves to push them to shore. Meanwhile, Samoscian had waded out as far he could. He saw nothing, but suddenly someone popped out of the water and threw her arms around him.


Samoscian gasped and nearly fell backwards, but the girl kept hold of him. He blinked a few times as she laughed.

“You really can’t swim?”

“I apologize for that,” he sighed. “I live in the middle of a desert…and I really didn’t think you would arrive from up here.”

She laughed again and looked at him.

“But can you smile?”

He smiled as she giggled and nuzzled his face.

“Such a beautiful smile.”

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