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The sun had set and I'm hungry.

I had changed into something less sweaty, it being my lace up boots, loose leg pants and a loose sweater over my sports bra that I wore as if it were my second skin. It's comfortable.

As I exit my room, I'm met with Soap. His fist mid air, about to knock on my door. Dropping it upon seeing me, he smiles and takes a step back for me to close the door behind me.
"Though' you were abou' to stay in tha' room all night. Aren' ya hungry?"

"Why do you think I'm leaving the room? Huh? I'm starved."

"Ha, jus' don't expect anything fancy." Nudging me in the side, he laughs as he walks ahead.

"I'm not counting on it." Calling out to him as he disappears into the room that I assume is the common area.
The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Someone is watching. Turning, I see someone enter their room. Maybe one of the guys.

Entering the common area, Soap approaches me with a plate of food.
"Here ya go. I took the liberty of dishin' for you. Like I said, not much."

"Thank you." I make my way to a table with four seats available. Sitting down, Soap grabs the seat next to me. Laughing to myself I lean back and look at him. "You know the others are going to think there's something between you and me with how eager you are to be around me."

"Wha' 'ould be the problem with that, lass?"

Nudging him, I take a bite of the food. It really wasn't the best, but it was edible.
"I'm serious."

"Scared I ruin your reputation?"

"More I would, yours."

His brow quirks at my response. "Come on, lass, you aren' tha' bad."

Hearing a chair scrape against the floor, I look up to see a face smiling at me. "Hello there. Gaz." He reaches out his hand which I take confidently.
"So, you seem familiar with Soap here. You two know each other?"

"Well," Soap tries leaning against me and hugging his arm around me. Rolling my eyes, I jab his ribs lightly with the fork in my hand, earning a groan from him. "That fuckin' hurt."

"That's what you get for talking shit." Turning to Gaz, "We lived in the same street at one point. We knew each other pretty well and I supported his wish to join the army. Few years later, I joined as well."

Nodding his head, he smiles and leans back. "So..." he quirks his brow.

"Oh, right. Y/n"

"Ah, y/n. How come you were sent to us? Don't get me wrong I think it's good we have some young blood, but you do look young."

Smiling, I take another bite, contemplating my answer. Is it a good idea to tell them already or should I first test the waters.
  Swallowing, I answer. "Honestly, I was also pretty shocked when they said I'm coming here. It was a bit nerve wrecking- with new teammates, routines, terrain, et cetera. At least I know Soap."
  I lean back again in the chair to stretch my arms.
"Pretty much they said I am a quick learner and I adapt to environments pretty quick."

Gaz nods, offering an easy smile. Hearing heavy footsteps near the room, I perk up at the sound and look to the threshold. Ghost enters, paying no attention to us and heads to the kitchenette.

"Aye, Lt. You meet the new member ye'?" Soap calls out a little louder than necessary.

Ghost looks over to us. His eyes meeting mine. Even for two mere seconds, my chest tightens slightly under his scrutinizing gaze.
  "Yeah. I did."

Without another glance or word he leaves the room with a steaming mug.

"Fucking Brits."
  Soap groans in reply to a slap you delivered to the back of his head.  "Will 'ou stop abusin' me?"

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