Chapter 44

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It felt like déjà vu, a nightmare replaying itself in slow, agonizing motion. Of course, what was there to worry about? Xue Yang was on their side—he had fought alongside them, trained with them, and had been loyal, or so Wei Wuxian believed. But as he watched Xue Yang bow deeply to Meng Yao, his heart sank like a stone into an abyss. The betrayal was so sudden, so complete, that it left him momentarily frozen.

Jiang Cheng's voice, sharp and furious, cut through the air. "Xue Yang, what the hell are you doing?"

But Xue Yang didn't answer, his expression unreadable as he strode forward with a cold, calculating purpose. In one swift, brutal motion, Xue Yang's hand shot out and tangled itself in Wei Wuxian's hair, fingers curling tight around the strands. The sharp tug came without warning, and Wei Wuxian gasped as he was yanked toward Meng Yao, stumbling, half-falling, his balance completely taken from him.

"Let go!" Wei Wuxian shouted, struggling to free himself, but it was useless. Xue Yang's grip was iron. His body jolted as he was dragged across the ground, his knees scraping against the dirt, and before he could even comprehend what was happening, Meng Yao's men were upon him. Shackles clamped around his wrists with an unforgiving snap, binding him tightly as chenqing fell to the floor, far from reach.

Jiang Cheng moved to intervene, his sword drawn and fury blazing in his eyes, but the circle of smaller clan leaders along with the forces of the Jin and Lan clans—had already closed in around them, forming an impenetrable barrier. Jiang Cheng hesitated, eyes flicking from Wei Wuxian's bound form to Xue Yang, betrayal etched into every line of his face.

"How could you..." Jiang Cheng yelled, his voice breaking as he stared at Xue Yang, unable to fully grasp the betrayal. The sword he held faltered slightly, shaking in his grip. Xue Yang ignored him.

Wei Wuxian's wrists hurt from the tightness of the metal shackles, his heart pounding as his mind raced for a way out. They had fallen right into Meng Yao's trap. It wasn't supposed to be like this. They had only come to Yiling to assess the situation and protect the people, intending to regroup before marching on Lanling. But now, their armies were still back at Lotus Pier, awaiting orders that would never come in time.

And Meng Yao—Meng Yao had played them all.

The Jin Clan Leader stepped forward, his eyes glinting with amusement as he gazed down at Wei Wuxian, his lips curling into a mocking smile. "Wei Wuxian," he said softly, voice dripping with disdain. "I must admit, this is an unexpected turn of events. When you spoke of a child, I didn't believe it at first. You and Wen Chao? Who would have thought?"

Wei Wuxian froze, his breath catching in his throat. A low, cruel laugh escaped Meng Yao's lips. "I remember searching through the charred remains  of all the Wens, just to satisfy my curiosity, but I don't recall a single corpse resembling your bastard child. How odd, don't you think?"

The circle around them tightened, the gleam of drawn weapons reflecting in the eerie light of the burial grounds. The tension in the air was suffocating. Every second that passed only deepened the pit of despair inside Wei Wuxian.

Jiang Cheng's voice, though loud, was filled with a helpless rage. "You're a coward, Meng Yao! Hiding behind your armies, your tricks—"

Meng Yao raised a hand, cutting him off, eyes flashing with amusement. "Cowardice? No, Sect Leader Jiang. Strategy. After all, it's not about how you fight. It's about how you win."

Meng Yao's voice sliced through the tension like a blade, cold and taunting, "But would you like to know what else I've recently uncovered?" He turned slowly, his gaze gleaming with a dark, malicious satisfaction as it landed on Yanli. Her hand still held tightly by Lan Wangji, her two teenage alphas standing just behind them—innocence etched into their confused faces, unaware of the storm that was about to break. But the weight of his words was not lost on anyone else. The atmosphere thickened, suffocating with dread.

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