Chapter 1

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For the fifth time that minute I let my eyes wander off to the clock over the disk. Just a half hour more and I would be off for the night. It had been a quiet night with almost no patients and I had spent my entire working pass sitting in this exact same chair, waiting for something to happen. The plastic fabric of the not so beautiful hospital clothes rustled as I reached for another cup of coffee. I had lost count of how many cups I had had by now. I figured I could expect another sleepless night. Once again I let my eyes fall on the clock while letting the warm coffee heat up my body.  I turned back to the book I had gotten from English class and didn't notice when he stepped in.

"So will you help me today or should I wait till you have finished the book?" The dark, raspy voice almost scared me to death and I fell backwards with the chair landing on top of me.  A hand grabbed me and helped me up. As I found my balance again, I looked at the man from whom the voice had come. His green eyes looked straight at me like he was looking straight into my soul, making me scared but in a strange way also a bit turned on. Dark curls covered a large part of his forehead.  My eyes wandered along his very prominent jawline and then fell on the wound going from his left eye all the way down to the tip of his nose. In his hand was what I think once used to be a white shirt which had now turned red. He slowly lifted the shirt up to his face to once again cover the bleeding wound. 

"So can you help me or not?"

I realized that I had been staring and came to my senses.

"Yes, I can, follow me." I let my hands show the way before walking over to the nearest room. I showed him where to take a seat while I put gloves on and reached for the supplies I needed. He was sitting on the hospital bed with his legs far apart and leaning back in a cocky way. I walked over to him, coming as close as I could to his wound, which made me have to step in between his legs. In the corner of my eyes I could see a playful smile grow as I came closer and closer to him.  The wound wasn't that deep and I realized that I would be able to take care of it myself and didn't have to call for a doctor. The cut must have been right on a blood vein since there was so much blood on his shirt. I noticed he didn't make a noise when I cleaned the wound and I guessed he must have a high pain threshold.

"Aren't you a little young and sexy to be a doctor, miss...", he let his eyes fall on my name tag, "...Winston?" 

His words made my body tremble and I suddenly became very aware of how I looked. Once again I cursed the ugly hospital clothes and immediately regretted not taking the time to fix my hair this morning.  "I'm not a doctor, I just work extra here after school, and please call me Haley."

"Haley", he said as if he tasted the sound of my name in his mouth.  "I'm Harry."

"Nice to meet you, Harry. I will just tape your wound, then you will be good to go."

I tried to sound as professional as I could, but the way he looked at me made me splutter and my voice sounded weak. He could tell the way he effected me and I could see that he loved it. He slowly moved his legs closer together, with me in between them. I could feel his legs lightly pressing into my hips making me gasp for air. I took a step back and turned around as I felt how my cheeks began to blush.

"Don't back away", Harry said with a voice that made me want to rip his clothes off, but I knew better than that. I ignored his comment and turned around but I continued to look down, not being ready to meet those eyes. 

"Okay, I have done everything I could for your wound now. It will heal by itself, just change the tape once a day for a week and you should be fine."

"Will there be a scar?" As Harry asked that question, I focused my eyes on his strong hand laying in his lap. A big scar ran from his hand all the way up to his elbow. I shivered and pulled back at the sight of it. Harry noticed and covered the scar with his other hand.

"No, there will be no scar."

"Good", he said, this time without that playful "makes-you-want-to-rip-his-clothes-off" voice.

He jumped down from the hospital bed and went out the door. Before I even had the chance to realize what was happening he came back. His strong hands took a grip around my waist, lifting me up to the same spot where he had been sitting just seconds ago. I felt him running his fingers through my hair. He bent my head back and kissed me. His lips crashed into mine so intensely and powerfully that it was breathtaking. He tentatively and lightly drew his tongue across my lips before it found its way. His teeth took a strong grip around my bottom lip, so strong that I could feel the taste of blood. He let me go from his grip, leaving me breathless and with the feeling of his kiss still on my lips. They were hurting from his aggressive way of kissing but I liked the feeling. He turned and walked to the door. Before he was gone he turned around and a dimpled smile had grown on his face. He opened those lips that had just been a part of me and his playful tone was back. 

"I have a feeling I will be seeing you around, Haley."

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