Chp.3: Kyoujuro's love

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Third person pov:






He couldn't handle it, he could barely breathe. That beautiful Goddess angel always called him a friend. Not just any friend, a best friend too.

He doesn't know if he should be happy or not. His chest tightened every time he was friend zoned by the love of his life, but he was so happy he was closer to the quiet male than most people.

He watched as the other's body went completely limp in his arms, Giyuu's tears still falling as his head rested on his shoulder.

It hurt him to see Giyuu so sad, because someone so kind deserves all the happiness in the world in his opinion.

Even as the brunette slept, Kyoujuro rubbed soothing circles on his back, placing Giyuu's head on the pillow gently, as if he was afraid he might break in his arms.

He sat watching Giyuu sleep, his own haori shielding the other's body, ensuring him warmth. Kyoujuro was on the edge of the bed, and he would surely fall down if he kept staring at Giyuu for any longer.

Head canon: The reason Tengen and Kyoujuro are best buddies is because they have the same interest/s, one of which is Giyuu. (Whether Platonically or Romantically it doesn't matter.)

He wants that cookie so fucking bad bro.

There's no denying it, he's smitten.

Kyoujuro got up slowly and closed the curtains in the room, unlocked the door and got out, closing the door gently behind him as to not wake Giyuu up, smiling softly to himself even though this day was supposed to be a sad one.

He thought of his father, who retired a while ago. He felt mad that his father didn't even come to pay his respects to a former comrade.

As he was walking through the Butterfly Mansion, he bumped into Shinobu, who was clutching her sister's haori with tears in her eyes.

"Ah! Sorry Kocho-san!"

Shinobu's eyes narrowed, realising who had bumped into her.

"You're the big brother stealer. Get. Away. From. Me."

"Hah??? I don't know any man by the name Kocho!" Kyoujuro said in his normal cheery tone, his usual big smile having a hint of confusion.

Head canon: Shinjuro was considered a father figure to most people before his wife died and he became short tempered.

"He doesn't have to have my last name or biologically be related to me to be my brother, idiot!" She said angrily, even though she promised herself she will try to smile and act kind for her sister just a few days ago.

"Ah! I see! So who is your "brother"?" He asked the shorter, teasing her by making quotation signs with his hands.

"Listen here bitch. This is the last time you will see me angry for a long while, so you better. Fucking. Listen." The pretty but deadly woman said as she pinned the older boy to the wall.

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