Scarier Movie Part II

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The scene opens in a dimly lit bedroom. The walls are plastered with posters of dragons, wizards, and scantily clad anime girls. Derek (Kevin McCallister) sits hunched over a cluttered desk, surrounded by dice, character sheets, and fantasy books. His eyes are wide with concentration as he prepares to roll a set of Dungeons & Dragons dice. Sweat glistens on his brow, as though this roll is the most important moment of his life.

Narrator (with mild disdain): “Meet Derek. Dungeon Master, anime aficionado, and legend in his own mind.”

Derek rolls the dice dramatically, his breath held in anticipation. The camera zooms in on the dice as they tumble across the table in slow motion. They finally come to a stop, a "1". Derek’s face falls.

Derek (sighing deeply): “Critical fail… again.”

The camera pans to his bookshelf, a shrine to nerd culture. A framed Magic: The Gathering card is displayed like a priceless artifact, and a replica sword from The Lord of the Rings hangs on the wall, labeled with a sign that reads: "Not a real sword. Please do not attempt to slay dragons."

Narrator (mocking): “Yes, Derek, someday you’ll save the world. But today is not that day.”

Behind him, a large, detailed map of Middle Earth is tacked to the wall. However, it's been humorously annotated with real-world places like "Mom’s Basement" and "The Mall."

Derek slumps back in his chair, defeated by his own roll of the dice. He grabs his anime body pillow and hugs it tightly, looking out of the window as if searching for the day when his dice will finally save him.

Narrator (sighing): “Let’s just hope the monsters roll worse than you.”

The scene transitions to a dark, gothic bedroom. Flickering candlelight illuminates the room, casting long shadows on the walls. Morgana (Jane Black) is seated at her vanity, surrounded by black candles and horror movie posters. She’s applying jet-black lipstick with a level of concentration that suggests she’s preparing for a funeral, her own, most likely.

Narrator (sarcastically): “Morgana. Because life isn’t complete without a little black lipstick and an unhealthy obsession with death.”

Morgana reaches for a hair extension, a neon green highlight, and clips it into her otherwise all-black hair. She gives her reflection a dramatic, almost tearful look, then turns her head to face the camera, her eyes narrowed in intense focus.

Morgana (whispering dramatically): “Death is life.”

She stands up from the vanity, a long black cape trailing behind her as she drifts across the room. The walls are adorned with horror movie posters, including a framed one of The Craft with the words "Best Movie Ever!" scrawled beneath it in red lipstick. A small framed picture of Tim Burton sits on her dresser, surrounded by black roses.

Narrator (sighing): “Yes, Morgana. Because why be normal when you can be… this?”

She stops in front of a large mirror and strikes a dramatic, gothic pose, holding up a black rose as though she’s posing for the cover of a vampire romance novel. The camera zooms in on her face, capturing her brooding expression as she sighs deeply.

In the background, a small tombstone-shaped clock ticks ominously, reading: "It’s always time for death." Another subtle reference, a small stuffed Beetlejuice doll hangs from her backpack, swaying with her every move.

Narrator (exasperated): “Death is life? More like death is melodrama.”

Morgana continues her slow, exaggerated pace toward the window, staring out into the night as though she’s waiting for some dark entity to whisk her away.

The scene opens in a bright, modern therapist’s office. Tammy (Lisa White) is seated in a plush chair, talking a mile a minute. She gestures wildly with her hands as she describes her latest nightmare. Across from her, a weary-looking therapist, an older man in glasses and a tired expression, is seated with a notepad on his lap. His pen moves frantically, but it becomes clear that he isn’t writing down anything Tammy says.

Narrator (amused): “Ah, Tammy. The girl who knows she’s in danger, but somehow, still makes all the worst decisions.”

Tammy leans forward, her voice rising in excitement as she recounts her dream.

Tammy (excitedly): “And then I was running from this creepy-ass clown, right? But then, boom! I got hit by a giant pumpkin! A pumpkin, can you believe that?”

The therapist, clearly checked out, is busy scribbling something on his notepad. The camera zooms in to reveal his true thoughts: "This girl is dumb. She should die." Below that, he’s doodled a crude sketch of a gravestone with “Tammy” written on it.

Narrator (sighing): “Somehow, Tammy’s managed to survive this long… but not for lack of trying.”

Tammy continues her rambling, oblivious to the therapist’s lack of interest.

Tammy (talking even faster): “So then I woke up, and I was like, ‘Was that a sign? Is something after me?’ But then I realized it’s probably just the fact that I’ve been watching too many horror movies, right? You think?”

The therapist nods absentmindedly, his eyes glazing over. Behind Tammy, the wall is decorated with motivational posters, one of which reads: "Hang in There!" featuring a cartoon noose, a subtle nod to Beetlejuice. Another poster says: "Therapists Do It Better!" in bold letters.

Tammy finally pauses, taking a deep breath, as though waiting for the therapist to offer some life-changing advice. Instead, the therapist silently rolls his eyes and jots down another note: "Next time, just let the clown get her."

Narrator (with a chuckle): “Tammy’s smart enough to know when something’s wrong… but not smart enough to get out of the way.”

The scene fades out as Tammy continues talking, completely unaware of how much danger is in store for her.

The camera cuts to the exterior of a high school, exaggerated in every way possible. The building is gothic, with towering stone pillars, a clock that always reads 13:00, and flags featuring the school mascot: a snarling werewolf. The sign out front reads: "Welcome to Hollow Creek High: We Win, or You Die!"

Narrator (sarcastically): “Ah, high school. Where the monsters aren’t just in the hallways, but in the classrooms too.”

Inside the school, the hallways are a chaotic mess of cliques. Cheerleaders are performing flips in the middle of the hall, while football players flex their muscles and show off for passing girls. Nerds huddle near their lockers, playing intense card games, and goths lurk in the shadows, glaring at anyone who dares make eye contact.

The camera pans to Stacey, who is walking confidently down the hall, her ponytail bouncing with each step. She’s immediately flanked by two other cheerleaders who idolize her, hanging on her every word.

Stacey (giggling): “I was like, totally going to the mall yesterday, and this guy, he was like, so hot, bumped into me. I mean, can you believe that?”

As she passes a group of goth students, Morgana stands in the corner, glaring at her with utter disdain. Morgana rolls her eyes dramatically, pulling her black hoodie tighter around herself.

Morgana (scoffing): “Death would be better than this place.”

The camera zooms in on Derek, who is standing by his locker, furiously rolling dice for an invisible game. He glances up at Stacey, who walks past him without noticing his existence. His face turns bright red, and he fumbles the dice.

Derek (muttering): “Yeah, she’s definitely out of my league… but I’m gonna win her heart. I just need a charisma check.”

In the background, a school janitor can be seen sweeping the floor, but the sign on his cart reads: "Warning: Floors Covered in Blood".

The group gathers in history class, where the overly dramatic teacher, Mr. Graves, stands at the front, delivering a lecture on the history of Halloween. He speaks as though every word he says is the most important revelation in human history.

Mr. Graves (dramatically): “All Hallows’ Eve… the one night of the year where the veil between the living and the dead is lifted! Where the spirits of the damned roam freely, seeking vengeance upon the living!”

The camera pans over to Brad, who is sitting in the back row, clearly not paying attention. He’s too busy doodling a football with flames on it in his notebook. The cheerleaders, sitting next to him, whisper and giggle at his muscles.

Brad (whispering to Stacey): “Wait… is Halloween the one with the pumpkins?”

The camera cuts to Stacey, who stares blankly ahead, her eyes glazed over as she tries to look interested in the lecture. Suddenly, she glances out the window and freezes. Her eyes widen as she spots a dark figure lurking near the trees outside, Dracula, though she doesn’t know it yet.

Stacey (screaming): “Oh my God! Look out there!”

Everyone in the classroom turns to look out the window, but the figure is gone. Morgana rolls her eyes from her seat in the back, muttering something under her breath about how “typical” Stacey is.

Mr. Graves (annoyed): “Stacey, if you could please save the theatrics for drama club…”

The class resumes as though nothing happened, but Stacey continues to stare out the window, her heart racing. The camera slowly zooms in on the spot where Dracula had been standing moments earlier, the air still thick with tension.

Narrator (amused): “And so it begins. They’re all doomed. They just don’t know it yet.”

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