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Wanting to write but not having any ideas to write... it's the worst, most restless feeling I think I've ever felt.

I mean, I've been through worse. But the desire to write and inability to write is so similar to that kind of paralysis you get when you KNOW you need to do the laundry, but you never get around to getting off the couch. Even though you KNOW you need to get up and do something, you just....

Don't. And then you feel like shit, because you think you're so lazy and all that. But it's really all just your mind tormenting you. Damned if you do, damned if you don't kinda thing.

I sooo wish I could be writing right now. But I've got nothing to bring to the table. And every time this happens, I wonder if I'll ever be able to break out of that block.

I know I could just sit down and try. But I'm already plagued with what ifs. What if I can't think of anything? Or what if I think of something, get carried away again and end up with a steaming pile of garbage that I'll never be happy with? What if I just sit there...staring for hours at the half sentence that I managed to squeeze out of my brain before it all shut down?

I hate this.

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