Chapter 43- The Silent Watcher

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A week had passed since my unsettling conversation with Mom, but the tension between us had only grown thicker. I could tell she was avoiding me, and part of me was glad-I wasn't ready to confront her again, not yet. But the more I tried to push thoughts of Hina out of my mind, the more they crept in, especially at night. The dreams were becoming more intense, more vivid, leaving me waking up with my heart pounding and my sheets soaked in sweat.

Tonight, I needed some air. The silence in the house was suffocating, and I couldn't sleep. So I grabbed my jacket and decided to take a quick walk to the nearby departmental store. It was late, probably too late to be out alone, but I wasn't thinking clearly. The cold night air felt refreshing as I made my way down the empty streets.

The store was nearly deserted when I arrived. Just a few stragglers picking up late-night groceries, and an elderly man working the register. I wandered through the aisles, barely paying attention to the shelves, my mind racing with everything that had been happening. But as I turned a corner, I felt something strange-a prickle on the back of my neck, like I was being watched.

I turned my head slightly and caught a glimpse of a man standing at the far end of the aisle. He was staring at me. His face was half-hidden in the shadows, but there was something about him that made my skin crawl. He didn't move, didn't pick up anything from the shelves-he was just standing there, watching.

A chill ran down my spine, but I told myself I was being paranoid. I turned back and continued down the aisle, trying to act like I hadn't noticed him. But I could feel his eyes on me, heavy and unsettling. I grabbed a random item off the shelf-something I didn't even need-and headed toward the front of the store, my heart beating faster than I'd like to admit.

At the register, I glanced over my shoulder. The man was still there, standing in the same spot, watching me. His gaze was intense, almost predatory.

I decided not to buy anything. The feeling of being watched was too overwhelming. I quickly placed the item back on the nearest shelf and headed out of the store, trying to shake off the unease that had settled over me. The night air was colder now, and I regretted not taking the car. But the store wasn't far from home-I could walk back quickly.

As I walked down the dark street, I couldn't help but glance over my shoulder. The man from the store was there, a few feet behind me. He wasn't walking fast, but he was keeping pace, his footsteps eerily in sync with mine. Panic surged through me, and I quickened my steps, trying to stay calm. But the sound of his footsteps followed, steady and deliberate.

I turned a corner, hoping to lose him, but as I passed by the old graveyard, I could still hear him behind me. The eerie silence of the graveyard, combined with the echo of his steps, made my pulse race. My breathing quickened, and I could feel my chest tightening with fear.

I sped up, almost breaking into a jog, but my heart nearly stopped when I suddenly collided with something-no, someone

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I sped up, almost breaking into a jog, but my heart nearly stopped when I suddenly collided with something-no, someone.

"Whoa, easy there."

I looked up, startled, and saw Ruhan standing in front of me, his hands gently gripping my arms to steady me.

"Ruhan!" I gasped, relief flooding through me.

Ruhan- What's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost.

He said, his brow furrowed with concern.

I glanced back over my shoulder, expecting to see the man still following me, but he was gone. The street behind me was empty, the darkness swallowing any trace of him. Had I imagined it? No, I couldn't have. I'd felt his presence, his gaze-he was real.

Ruhi- I... I think someone was following me,

I said, my voice shaky.

Ruhi- From the store... there was this man. He was watching me, and I...I don't know, I just...

Ruhan's expression hardened, and he quickly scanned the area around us.

Ruhan- Are you sure? Where did he go?

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Ruhan- Are you sure? Where did he go?

Ruhi- I don't know. He was right behind me, but now... he's gone.

Ruhan's grip on my arms tightened protectively.

Ruhan- Come on, I'll walk you home. You shouldn't be out here alone, especially this late.

I nodded, still shaken, and we started walking together, his presence making me feel slightly safer. But the encounter had rattled me. I couldn't shake the feeling that whoever that man was, he wasn't just some random stranger. There was something more to this, something that connected him to everything else that had been happening lately.

As we walked in silence, Ruhan glanced at me, concern still etched on his face.

Ruhan- Why didn't you call me or Anshi if you were going out this late? You know you can't be too careful.

I gave him a weak smile, still trying to catch my breath.

Ruhi- I just needed some air. I wasn't planning on anything happening.

Ruhan- Well, next time, don't hesitate to call. I'll come get you, no questions asked.

We continued walking, the night eerily quiet around us. The streets were deserted, and the only sound was our footsteps echoing in the darkness. But in the back of my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about that man-about how he had watched me so intently, like he knew something I didn't. And then, there was the pendant, Hina's name, my mom's strange behavior... everything was starting to feel connected, but I didn't know how.

As we reached my house, Ruhan stopped and turned to me, his expression serious.

Ruhan- If you see that guy again, or if anything feels off, you call me right away, okay?

I nodded.

Ruhi- Thanks, Ruhan. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't shown up.

He smiled slightly, but there was a tension in his eyes.

Ruhan- You're safe now. But just... be careful, okay?

I watched as he turned and walked back into the night, leaving me standing on my doorstep, feeling a strange mixture of relief and dread. Whoever that man was, I had a feeling I hadn't seen the last of him.

And as I went inside, the pendant hanging from my neck felt heavier than ever, like it was dragging me toward a truth I wasn't sure I was ready to face.


This chapter adds the element of suspense with the mysterious man following Ruhi, while also weaving in Ruhan's protective role and the deepening mystery around Ruhi's pendant and the haunting presence she's felt. The pace of the story picks up, leading Ruhi further into the unsettling truths about her past.

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