One quick dare

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Midna: you fangirls are crazy!

Link: why?

Midna: oh you'll see..hehe

Link: e.o ok...

Zelda: welcome toooooooooo ask the LoZ cast xD today its gonna be a very interesting dare

Ghirahim: you girls are acting weird...

BEN: hello people >:)


Midna: don't worry here's just here to answer questions

BEN: I hope you don't mind I brought friends

*Zant,Vaati, and dark link enter*

Link: well crap

Midna: you didn't tell me they were coming?!

BEN: ooopss

Ghirahim: MY AMIGOS!!!! except you BEN I don't like you..

BEN: I don't care...

Midna: anyway...=.= zelda why don't you do ready this dare..

Zelda: sure! Ok hehe..this is for link and ghirahim....

Link and ghirahim: oh no....

Zelda: I dare link and ghirahim to kiss for 10 seconds in the ...hehe lips


Ruto: you know you want to...

Ghirahim: for the last time I. AINT. GAY...I'm fabulous

Dark link: yeah your gay...everyone that thinks ghirahim is gay put your hands up..

*everyone except ghirahim puts their hands up*

Ghirahim: your all dead to me...

Link: yeah sorry girls but not happening he's weird..

Ghirahim: yeah you girls aren't gonna left us pass aren't you....

*Girls shake their head*

Ghirahim: ugggh fine but what do I get in return

Midna: what do you want

Ghirahim: wwweeelll half of Zelda's kingdom :3

Zelda: what no! I'll give you 600 rupees

Ghirahim: alright fine...*grabs link*
For the record I don't like you.. *kiss*

Link: 0.0"

Girls: *sqeeeeeeellll*

BEN: eeewww...

other guys: o.o

-end of kiss-

Ghirahim: ugh your a bad kisser but I can't complain *flips hair*

Link:......never again..

BEN: did you like your kiss pretty boy?

Link: Shut up BEN the glitch

Dark link: xD hahahahhahaha...

BEN: ohhh no you didn't

Midna: labys, ladys stop fighting your both ugly..anyway see you guys later peeps bai

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