well then...

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Midna: hello! And we are back!

Ghirahim: finally!

Link: I thought you didn't like this..

Ghirahim: I have nothing better to do..so Shhh!

Midna: 0-0 anyway....ok! Nnoowww we have a dare!

Zelda: our first dare!

Ben: yay..?

Saria: alright I'm gonna read it! Now...BLADE_of_MADNESS hi Ashley! Sorry anyway..1. I dare everyone to kiss their crush. If your too chicken to do it then do the chicken dance. But if you don't have a crush your excused..

Midna, ruto, saria: I don't have a crush!

Ghirahim: yeah ok...we all know that everyone is gonna go running to like

Ben: aw poor ghirahim doesn't have anyone to love him *laughs*

Ghirahim: *growls* whatever..

Zelda: *walks to link and kisses him*

Link: 0w0

Ben: *smirking*

fi: what is a crush?

Link: its a certain person that you care about deeply..

Fi: oh? *walks to ghirahim*

Ghirahim: *tilts head*

Fi: *kisses his cheek*

Ghirahim: *blushes and covers face*

Ben: guess that counts for both of them..*laughs*

Midna: I shall kiss no one...

Ben: *plays the chicken dance song*

Ruto: no..

Midna: I am not doing the dance!

Ben: you too chicken? *laughs*

Saria: why don't you kiss who you like!

Ben: I don't have a crush...

Me: you like Jeff...

Ben: *blushes softly and hits me with a book* no!

Me: *sings softly* why you always lying...why you always lying...

Dark: I don't like anyone either...

Midna: *does the chicken dance*

Ruto' *same*

Saria: *doing the chicken. Dance and enjoying it*

Me: *looks around awkwardly* I..uh...*runs to ghirahim and kisses his cheek* *hides under table* I DID NOTHING

midna: anyway...this is it for this chapter see you guys next time AND LEAVE YOUR DARES AND QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS! BAI

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