Special note~

24 1 3

Midna: hai guuyyssss

Ghirahim: geez I thought we finished this.

Me: uh ...hehehe..yeah about that

Link: gah what now?

Me: welll! Hai guys its me again! Well I'm really REALLY sorry that I haven't updated in YEAAARSSSS I've been super busy with school and..a party..

ghirahim: party? YOU HAVE FRIENDS

Me: um thanks

midna: heeh

Me: anyways please guys give me more time..I PROMISE I'll update over the weekend and if you have any more dares or questions then TELL ME OK

Vaati: *peeks head in* ew you're back

Me: thanks man

Ghirahim: Whatever Ciao darlings ~


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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