Interlude: The Chairman's Letter

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My dearest Haeun,

I am writing this letter as I watch you so diligently preparing my tea. Every day that goes by, I can feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I don't think I have much time left, my dear. Surprisingly, I'm not scared at all. I've had an amazing, fulfilling life, with the love of my life by my side, so if I die tomorrow, I leave this earth with no regrets.

Still, there are a couple of things I am uneasy about. First of all: you. I worry about leaving you behind. You are too good and kind for this world, my dear. Not only that, but I worry that your dedication to our family over the years has somehow hindered you from chasing your dreams and seeking a life outside of Andong. I know you are content with your life, but is contentment the same thing as true happiness?

That brings me to my other point of unease: Seungcheol. You see, my boy has become consumed by work. He carries the burden of our family's legacy on his shoulders, and while I know he wouldn't have it any other way, and I am extremely proud of all his accomplishments, it pains me to see him neglecting his personal life and believing that strength lies in suppressing his emotions. Seungcheol needs someone to remind him of what truly matters: love, happiness, and the connections we share with others. Someone to take care of him, to love him, and to make him happy.

And this is why I determined in my will that you two must marry if he wants to inherit the Carat Group. I guess you are probably still recovering from the shock, am I correct? And Seungcheol must be very angry, but that's his default reaction to anything that goes slightly out of his control, so don't mind him too much.

If my request feels too much for you, my dear, I want to assure you that all you have to do is tell Lawyer Song, and the clause will be void. Seungcheol will still be named my successor, and you'll be free from having to fulfill this wish. The last thing I want is for you to feel trapped or obligated. Your happiness is just as important as his.

Still, I hope you'll give this a chance. Love should happen organically, but sometimes it can benefit from a little... interference. I believe that with your kindness and strength, you can help Seungcheol find balance in his life, and he will surely come to see the treasure that you are.

I know how much you love Seungcheol, dear. You never said anything, but I can see it every time you look at him. It's a shame my dimwit grandson can't see just how perfect you are for him. Us Choi men are known for being pretty dense when it comes to matters of the heart, so I apologize on his behalf.

What I want you to understand, Haeun, is that love is not always as straightforward as we wish it to be. It can be messy and complicated, but you have a light within you that brightens the lives of those around you, and Seungcheol will eventually realize how lucky he is to have you by his side. I know, deep down, that he is capable of loving someone wholeheartedly—he just needs to find the right person in order to do so.

I have no doubts that with your unwavering support and compassion, Seungcheol will learn to open his heart and he'll understand that it's okay to feel, to love, and to be loved in return.

That's why you need to be brave, my dear. If Seungcheol hesitates or falters, don't be afraid to reach out to him. Show him the love you have kept so close to your heart all this time.

As I sit here, sipping the tea you made with such care, I am filled with gratitude for the warmth and joy you have brought into my life. I hope you carry that warmth with you, even in my absence. Embrace the love that surrounds you, and don't shy away from the future. Life has a way of surprising us, and I believe there is still so much happiness waiting for you.

Take care of yourself, my sweet Haeun. Live boldly and love fiercely. You are capable of more than you know. And should you ever feel overwhelmed, just remember that I will always be watching over you, cheering you on as you navigate this world.

Until we meet again,


A/N: This letter was one of the first pieces I wrote while outlining the story. Although I was happy with it at the time, I struggled to find a way to eventually weave it into the plot. Rather than discarding it, I decided to share as something extra, especially since I won't be able to update an actual chapter this week because of my busy schedule. Hope you enjoy this nonetheless!

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