Chapter 1: One Sweet Trap

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Ray Daniels had one simple rule in life: don’t get involved.

That’s it. That’s all he wanted. A peaceful, quiet existence where he could game in his dark room, sip on his energy drinks, and avoid the chaos of the outside world. It was a plan that had worked flawlessly for the past twenty-three years.

Until today.

“Hey, hottie! Could you hand me that candy bar over there?”

Ray glanced around the convenience store, expecting the voice to be aimed at someone else. It wasn’t. A short, blonde girl in an oversized hoodie and pink sneakers was staring right at him. She had big, doe-like eyes that sparkled with dangerous intensity and a grin that was far too wide for comfort. A candy bar wrapper was clenched between her teeth, and her hands were full of snacks that ranged from gummy bears to chocolate bars.

Ray looked down at the candy bar she was pointing at, a “Super Chocolate Bomb” that looked like it could induce a sugar coma just from reading the label. He reached out reluctantly, grabbing it and holding it out.

“Here,” he muttered, hoping this bizarre interaction would end quickly.

The girl bounded forward like an overly excited puppy, snatching the candy from his hand and tearing into the wrapper without even paying for it. She took a bite, her eyes rolling back in a dramatic show of bliss.

“Mmm, that’s the stuff,” she groaned, leaning against the store shelf like she had just ascended to another plane of existence.

Ray blinked. He had no idea how to react to this. Was she high on sugar? Was that even a thing?

“Thanks a bunch, tall and handsome,” she said between chews. “You just saved my life! I was, like, seconds away from committing unspeakable acts for a sweet fix.”

“I, uh... yeah, sure.”

Without warning, she sprang toward him, her face inches from his. Ray froze, his body stiffening as her wild eyes locked onto his. She was too close, way too close for comfort.

“What’s your name?” she demanded, her voice sugary sweet but with an underlying edge that made Ray’s spine tingle.

“Ray,” he answered cautiously.

Her grin widened to an almost unsettling degree. “I’m Lucy. And you, Ray, are officially my hero.”

Great, Ray thought. Just what I needed, a sugar-crazed lunatic.

“Right, well, I’ll just, ”

Before he could make his escape, Lucy’s eyes flickered with something dangerous. She blocked his path, candy wrappers dropping from her fingers like confetti.

“I owe you big time, Ray. I can’t let my savior just walk away, now can I?”

Ray’s heart sank. This was exactly why he hated getting involved. This girl was a walking disaster waiting to happen, and he wanted no part of it.

“I didn’t really do anything,” Ray said, trying to edge past her.

But Lucy wasn’t having it. Her expression turned serious, too serious for someone holding three candy bars in each hand.

“Listen up, Ray. You’ve done something amazing. You gave me my sugar fix. And now…” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Now, you’re mine.”

Ray blinked again. Did she just say…?

Lucy suddenly threw her arms around him, pressing her face into his chest like they were long-lost lovers. “We’re bound by sugar now. If you ever leave me without my sweets, I’ll, ”

Her head snapped up, her eyes gleaming with a manic intensity.

“I’ll KILL YOU.”

Ray’s blood ran cold. She was joking, right? This had to be some kind of twisted joke.

“Wha, what?”

Lucy giggled, pulling away but still keeping her gaze locked on his. “Relax, I’m just messing with ya!” She paused, then leaned closer again, her voice dropping to a low, dangerous whisper. “Or am I?”

Ray stared at her in stunned silence, his mind reeling. He had to get out of here, fast.

But Lucy wasn’t done with him yet.

“Since you’re my sweet savior, I think we should celebrate,” she said cheerfully, bouncing back toward the candy aisle. “How about we head back to your place? You look like the kind of guy who keeps the good stuff, full-size candy bars, not this fun-size nonsense.”

“No, wait, what?”

Ray was still processing her sudden shift in mood when she grabbed his wrist, dragging him toward the checkout counter as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

This couldn’t be happening. He didn’t even know this girl. And yet, somehow, in the span of five minutes, she had turned his peaceful, candy-free life upside down.

As the cashier rang up the mountain of snacks Lucy had dumped on the counter, Ray’s mind was already racing with possible escape routes. Maybe he could lose her in the parking lot, or better yet, pretend he had to be somewhere urgent. Anything to get away from this candy-fueled yandere nightmare.

But one glance at Lucy’s too-wide grin, and he knew one thing for sure: there was no escaping her now.

Ray could feel the cold sweat starting to form on the back of his neck. Lucy, still clutching his wrist with an iron grip, was humming a sugary tune as she pushed a mountain of candy across the counter. The cashier, either too tired or too used to weird customers, barely gave them a second glance as he scanned item after item.

“Total’s $56.72,” the cashier droned.

Lucy didn’t even flinch. She whipped out a crumpled bill from her hoodie pocket, dropped it on the counter, and grinned. “Keep the change.”

Ray’s heart sank further. The bill was a five-dollar note. He couldn’t decide if she was being delusional or straight-up criminal. Either way, this wasn’t looking good.

The cashier didn’t react, as if processing whether this was worth the trouble. After a long pause, he sighed, gave a half-hearted nod, and bagged the candy without further protest.

Lucy grabbed the bags with one hand and Ray with the other, dragging him out of the store like they were on some kind of weird honeymoon candy spree.

“So,” Lucy chirped, “what kind of sweets do you have at your place? Chocolate? Gummy worms? Ooh, do you have anything rare, like those Japanese KitKats that taste like green tea?”

Ray struggled to come up with a response. His apartment was a barren wasteland when it came to snacks. The closest thing he had to sweets were stale energy bars buried in his cupboard.

“I, uh… don’t really have much,” Ray said, trying to keep his voice steady. “I’m not really a candy person.”

Lucy stopped dead in her tracks. The bags of candy dangled from her fingertips as she turned to look at him, her eyes narrowing.

“You… don’t like candy?” she whispered, her voice dangerously low.

Ray swallowed. “Not really. I’m more into, like, chips and stuff.”

For a moment, Lucy’s face was unreadable. Then her expression morphed into one of utter devastation, as if he had just told her the sun would never rise again.

“Chips?” she said, her voice trembling with disbelief. “Chips over candy?”

Ray winced. He could see where this was going, and it wasn’t anywhere good.

“Listen, Lucy, I, ”

Before he could finish, she dropped the candy bags, her eyes filling with tears. But these weren’t normal tears. No, these were tears of rage.

“I can’t believe you, Ray!” she wailed, stomping her foot like a spoiled child. “How could you betray me like this? After everything I’ve done for you?”

Ray’s mind went blank. “Betray? What?”

Lucy’s eyes glistened with what could only be described as pure madness. “You’re supposed to be my sweet savior! How can you save me if you don’t even like sweets?!”

Ray raised his hands, trying to calm her down. “Whoa, let’s not overreact here, okay? It’s just candy.”

“Just candy?” Her voice was now cold, her tears drying as quickly as they had appeared. She took a menacing step forward. “Do you know what happens to people who disrespect candy?”

Ray took a step back, his pulse quickening. He had no idea what she meant by that, but he didn’t want to find out.

“Lucy, I really think you’re, ”

“Wrong answer, Ray.” Her voice dropped into an eerie calm, her eyes locking onto his with an intensity that could have melted chocolate. “If you don’t learn to love sweets... I’ll make sure you do.”

Ray’s stomach dropped. “What does that even mean?”

Lucy leaned in closer, her smile widening into something that could only be described as unsettlingly unhinged. “It means,” she whispered, “that by the time I’m done with you, you’ll beg for candy.”

Ray had officially reached his limit. His instincts kicked in, telling him to run, to get as far away from this sugar-crazed maniac as possible.

But before he could bolt, Lucy snatched up the candy bags and dragged him toward the street like a woman possessed.

“C’mon!” she chirped, her cheerful tone back as if nothing had happened. “Let’s go to your place. We’re going to fix that little sweet tooth problem of yours. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re fully stocked with all the candy you’ll ever need.”

Ray’s legs felt like lead, each step toward his apartment feeling like a step deeper into insanity. How had his life spiraled out of control so quickly? He had just wanted to grab a drink and maybe get back to his video games. Now, he was being forcibly taken home by a girl who seemed one sugar rush away from becoming a full-blown yandere psychopath.

As they walked, Ray glanced at Lucy, who was happily humming again, swinging the candy bags in one hand while still gripping his wrist with the other.

This is just a bad dream, he thought. I’ll wake up, and she’ll be gone.

But deep down, he knew this was real. Too real.

Lucy suddenly stopped humming and looked up at him with wide, sparkling eyes. “Oh, and Ray?”

“Yeah?” he muttered, still trying to process his impending doom.

“If you ever try to leave me… if you ever run out of sweets…” Her grip tightened. “I’ll find you.”

If I Don't Feed This Yandere Candy, She Will Kill MeWhere stories live. Discover now