Chapter 3: Battle of the Sweeties

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Ray sat frozen on the couch, watching as Lucy and Candice stared each other down in what could only be described as a sugary standoff. He had hoped, perhaps naively, that Candice was just some delusional girl who’d gotten lost and would leave after a few confused words. But the intensity in her eyes, and the way she seemed so certain that Ray was hers, made it clear that things were about to spiral even further into madness.

“You must be confused,” Lucy said, her voice dangerously calm. “Ray is my sweet savior. He saved me when I needed him most, so he’s obviously mine. I don’t know where you came from, but you can’t just barge in here and make crazy claims.”

Candice’s smile never wavered as she took a step closer to Lucy, her presence unnervingly serene. “I’m not confused. I’ve been searching for Ray for a long time. He and I are destined to be together. And nothing you say will change that.”

Ray wanted to disappear into the cushions of his couch. These girls weren’t just delusional, they were dangerous. And now, they both had their sights set on him.

Lucy’s expression hardened, and Ray could practically see the storm brewing behind her wide eyes. “Destined, huh?” she muttered, her fingers curling into fists. “Well, you’ll have to go through me first.”

Ray shot to his feet, holding up his hands in a desperate attempt to stop whatever was about to happen. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! There’s no need for violence! Let’s all just take a deep breath and, ”

But it was too late. Lucy charged at Candice, moving with surprising speed for someone who had just eaten an unhealthy amount of candy. Candice didn’t flinch, standing her ground with a smug expression that only seemed to fuel Lucy’s fury.

The clash was both ridiculous and terrifying. Lucy threw a punch that was surprisingly strong for her petite frame, but Candice dodged it effortlessly, her movements smooth and almost mechanical.

“You can’t win,” Candice said, her voice still annoyingly calm. “I’m made of candy, remember?”

Ray blinked. “Wait, what?”

Lucy growled in frustration, throwing another punch that Candice blocked with ease. “I don’t care what you’re made of!” Lucy snapped. “You’re not taking Ray from me!”

Before Ray could even process what was happening, Lucy reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled out a handful of gummy bears. With a wild look in her eyes, she tossed them into the air, and Ray could only watch in horror as they exploded into a sticky, sugary mess all around Candice.

Candice took a step back, her eyes narrowing slightly as she flicked some of the gummy residue off her shoulder. “You’ll have to do better than that.”

Lucy grinned, her teeth flashing like a predator’s. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got plenty more where that came from.”

Ray rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. This was not how he’d imagined his day would go. All he’d wanted was a quiet life, but now he was caught in the middle of some bizarre battle between a sugar-addicted yandere and a girl made of candy.

As Lucy prepared to unleash her next candy-based assault, Ray knew he had to do something. If he didn’t stop them now, his apartment, and possibly his sanity, would be destroyed.

“Enough!” Ray shouted, stepping between the two girls before Lucy could hurl another gummy grenade. “This is insane! You can’t just fight over me like I’m some kind of prize!”

Both girls froze, their eyes snapping to him. For a brief moment, there was silence, and Ray thought, hoped, they might actually listen.

But Lucy quickly recovered, her manic grin returning. “Of course you’re a prize, Ray! You’re my sweet savior. I can’t let anyone take you away from me.”

Candice’s smile was equally unnerving. “And I can’t let her keep you from your true destiny.”

Ray’s heart sank. “That’s... not what I meant.”

Before he could say anything else, Candice calmly reached into her pink curls and pulled out what appeared to be a lollipop. “I’m willing to settle this fairly,” she said, her tone sweet but with a sharp edge. “A duel, if you will. Candy versus candy. Winner takes Ray.”

Lucy’s eyes gleamed with excitement. “You’re on.”

Ray’s stomach dropped. This was going to end badly. Very badly.

Ray’s heart pounded as Lucy and Candice squared off in the middle of his living room, their eyes locked in a stare-down that made the air feel heavy with tension. He couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. A duel? Over him? And using candy as weapons? This was beyond ridiculous, this was a full-blown sugar-coated nightmare.

Lucy cracked her knuckles, a wild grin spreading across her face. “Alright, Candy Girl. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Candice twirled her lollipop between her fingers with eerie precision, the sugary swirl glinting in the dim light of the apartment. “You’ll regret challenging me. I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

Ray was ready to bolt, but before he could even take a step toward the door, Candice made the first move. With a flick of her wrist, the lollipop flew from her hand like a spinning blade, whizzing through the air with a high-pitched whistle.

“DUCK!” Ray shouted instinctively, diving behind the couch as the lollipop embedded itself in the wall behind him with a thunk. He peeked out, his eyes wide with disbelief. “Are you kidding me? They’re actually weaponizing candy!”

Lucy didn’t flinch. Instead, she whipped out a candy cane, yes, an actual candy cane, from the depths of her hoodie. She twirled it around like a martial arts staff, her grin widening as she faced Candice. “Let’s see how you handle this!”

With a battle cry that would’ve been impressive if it wasn’t so absurd, Lucy charged at Candice, the candy cane spinning in her hands. She swung it like a baseball bat, aiming straight for Candice’s head.

Candice, however, was quick. She dodged the attack with a graceful sidestep, her expression never changing. “Is that all you’ve got?” she taunted, her voice cool and composed. “I expected more from someone who calls herself Ray’s ‘sweet savior.’”

Lucy’s eye twitched at the insult, and without missing a beat, she leaped into the air, twisting mid-jump and swinging her candy cane with enough force to shatter a piñata.

Candice blocked the strike with a giant gummy shield that materialized out of nowhere, the candy cane bouncing off with a rubbery thwack. Ray could only stare in disbelief from his hiding spot.

“This is insane,” he muttered under his breath, trying to figure out how to escape before his entire apartment became a sticky, sugary battlefield.

As the duel raged on, Ray realized just how serious these girls were. Lucy fought like a woman possessed, her attacks wild and unpredictable, each swing of her candy cane leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Candice, on the other hand, was calm and methodical, countering each attack with an effortless elegance that made her seem invincible.

But Lucy wasn’t one to give up easily. She reached into her hoodie and pulled out a handful of candy-coated explosives, jawbreakers, by the look of them. “Catch this!” she shouted, tossing them at Candice with reckless abandon.

Ray barely had time to cover his ears before the jawbreakers hit the ground with a series of small, explosive pops, sending sticky candy shrapnel flying everywhere.

Candice shielded herself with another gummy barrier, her expression still unbothered. “Is this really the best you can do? Pathetic.”

Lucy’s grin only widened. “Oh, I’ve got plenty more tricks up my sleeve.”

Before Candice could respond, Lucy threw something new, what looked like a candy bar wrapped in silver foil. It sailed through the air, straight toward Candice’s head. But instead of blocking it, Candice merely raised an eyebrow, as if unimpressed.

The candy bar exploded on impact, coating Candice in a thick layer of gooey caramel. For the first time, Candice’s calm façade cracked, and she glared at Lucy with fiery eyes.

“You... ruined my hair,” Candice said in a low, dangerous voice.

Lucy cackled. “That’s what you get for messing with me, Candy Queen! I told you, Ray is mine!”

Ray, still crouched behind the couch, sighed in frustration. “Do I get any say in this?”

The girls ignored him, their focus solely on each other. Candice wiped the caramel from her face, her expression deadly serious. “You’ll pay for that.”

With a snap of her fingers, a horde of candy creatures began to materialize out of thin air. Gummy bears, licorice snakes, marshmallow soldiers, an army of sugary monsters now stood between Lucy and Candice.

Lucy’s eyes widened, but her grin never faltered. “Alright, Candy Girl. Let’s do this.”

Ray, watching the chaos unfold from his hiding spot, knew one thing for sure: if he didn’t stop this madness soon, his apartment, and his life, was going to be completely destroyed.

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