A Letter from Lionel to Sebastian

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Author's Note:

While looking through Lionel's belongings I found, among stacks of papers and books, several letters from a correspondence between Lionel and Sebastian that spanned most of their childhood. With some difficulty I was also able to get the letters written by Lionel from Sebastian. Reading them I found they added a uniquely personal perspective to my narrative and have recorded them here chronologically. 

The first letter reads as follows...

Dear Sebastian,

I have arrived at the coast and I am still alive, although for a time the doctor wasn't sure if I would make it.

My Mother's estate is the most beautiful place. When she was alive she had so many books that they couldn't fit them all on the shelves so now they sit on desks, on chairs and even on the floor. I have decided to read them all.

My Mother also made a garden (almost a quarter of her books are about gardening). Since she died the servant have been taking care of it but I would like to try some of the techniques written about in the books on some of the plants that are dying. Maybe all they need is a good place to grow for them to come to life and flourish.

Not far away from the estate there is a port village called Filos. A lot of big ships come there from places far away, they unload their merchandise, truck it down the road to Riversend, and then ferry it upriver to Mount Alke and then to Vries. I think it would be very interesting to watch them unload all their goods from the ships.

Did you know that some of those ships carry goods from beyond the Mountains? Ever since I learned that I haven't stopped wondering what lies beyond the Mountains. Maybe one of my Mother's books will have that answer.

I heard a rumor from the servants that there is a pirate ship that often puts down anchor off the coast, some of them have even seen it. I once heard them say that the Pirate King does business with someone in the village. If you have business with a bad guy does it make you bad?

Has it rained in Mount Alke? It probably didn't. We don't get much rain here. According to some of my Mother's books valleys like the one the city is in get their water from mountain runoff rather than rain. Weather is very interesting.

At the time of writing this letter I am doing well.
I miss having someone to talk about things with. The servants here avoid me and give me strange looks. Doctor What's-his-name is very long winded and only talks about doctor stuff which is sometimes interesting but he treats me like a kid and thinks I don't understand what he says.
Sometimes I pretend I don't and ask really stupid questions; he gets so confused and it's funny to watch him have to come up with answers. I think he talks too much.

Philip still doesn't talk much. Maybe I should get him to learn from the good doctor.

How is little prince Theodore? And the baby, is he doing well? (I have forgotten his name again)

Write me soon Sebastian,

I hope I am able to see you again.

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