A Letter from Sebastian to Lionel

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Dear Lionel;

I was so excited to receive your letter that I sat down at once to read it.

It is good to hear that your health has improved. I guess the doctor was right when he prescribed coastal air.

I think your Mother sounds like an amazing person. Her library will be a perfect place for you and I have no doubt that you will read all her books and add to her collection. Her garden must be amazing as well but it is hard for me to imagine you gardening.

Have you been to Filos? If you do go you could ask some of the sailors if they know what is beyond the mountains.

I think the rumour about the pirates is very exciting. Father says that the pirates raid our ships and steal all our money, sometimes they come to land and attack travellers. He says the pirates are such a big threat so the High King had to send soldiers to patrol the coast to keep it safe. So it is the pirates fault that there are all those Vries soldiers everywhere we go. I think it would be very exciting to be a pirate. A good pirate. Maybe the man who does business with them thinks it would be exciting to be a good pirate too. 

Mount Alke has not had rain. There was a lightning storm on the night you left but no rain. I think even the sky thought it was unfair that you had to go so far away all by yourself.
I miss talking with you too; you can always have the most interesting conversations even on the dullest of subjects.

I miss doing my schoolwork with you, when I did it with you I got all the answers right. Nobody is as good at school as you are. The other boys in the palace have not gotten any better. You always say they want to be my friend because I am a prince and not because they like me. Maybe it is true, but at least with them I am not alone. Don't worry, I won't let them push me around.
Theodore is doing well, he is very friendly to everyone; and everyone is friendly to him. He is always getting into mischief somehow and Aunt sometimes gives him to me when she has her hands full with the baby (his name is Benjamin in case you still haven't remembered). I like to take him with me when I explore the castle.

Do you remember the map I made for you of the entire west wing? I was following it one day (not that I need it, I was just trying to test if it would work for others) when I found that Theodore had followed me the whole way. Rather than go all the way back I brought him along and together we found a hallway that wasn't on the map. When I make a new map I'll name that hallway after Theo and it will be Theodore's Hall for generations to come.

My father is insisting that I learn how to fight but so far I've managed to avoid the lessons. Who knows, maybe he'll forget.

Are there any children there that you can be friends with. Do make friends Lionel, I don't like to think of you all alone there with only your books as company.

I miss you Lionel.

Your loyal cousin,

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