The perfect ending

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When I heard the news of Sheldon and Amy winning the Nobel prize, my heart jumped in happiness. I could not stop laughing, and dancing in the room seemed like the only appropriate response to the news.

After some hours passed, my boyfriend arrived at my house, smiling ear to ear for the same reason.

"I think you should know this too, since it involves you." He starts and I look at him puzzled "At the university, it was told that soon the press will try reaching Sheldon and Amy's friends and family. You probably will be contacted too."

"I don't think so. While I like them, I'm not their closest friend. That would be Leonard and Penny."

"But if someone asks you anything, the word we should use according to the university is quirky."

I laugh.

"Is Sheldon's reaction that bad?"

"He is running away every time he sees a camera."

"Poor guy. He wanted to change science somehow, but doesn't like the consequences that come with it." I think about it "It's like that song from the Pussycat Dolls, be careful of what you wish for 'cause you just might get it."

"They were right." He gets close to me "Sheldon wished for a Nobel prize and he got it and I" He kissed my cheeks "Wished for a girlfriend like you and got it too."




The other day and Raj were at the university, we had a date and decided to go to a nice restaurant and chat about the upcoming romcoms that were going to be released and discuss some of Taylor Swift's lyrics. But, while we were leaving, we heard the sound of crying. I opened the door of the bathroom where the crying was coming from and then I saw Amy. Opening more so Raj could enter, he started talking with her.

"Why are you so sad Ames?"

"My picture is all over the internet and it's terrible!" She picks her phone and looks at the said picture.

"First, you are a Nobel prize winner" I say smiling at her "Second I doubted that the picture is that terrible."

"Look at it yourself" She then gives me and Raj her phone and well... The picture is not flattering.

"Indeed is not a good picture" I give Raj an angry look "But you should be proud of yourself Amy"

"I know I shouldn't care about appearances" She gets her phone back "I know it's shallow, but I can't help it."

"It's not shallow at all" I hugged her. "It would be shallow if you only care about that, but you don't. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look pretty."

"Yes, and if the pictures bother you so much, then make changes!" Rajesh said, starting to get excited "Buy new clothes, put on some makeup, and get a haircut."

I start to see what he wants to do. And I want to do the same.

"Sounds expensive," Amy answered to Rajesh's suggestion.

"You just won a substantial money prize, didn't you?"

"What are you going to do with it?"

"I don't know, I hardly thought about it." She answers.

"Then you should do something for yourself," Raj says happily "Me and Felicity would be happy to be your shopping buddies."

I nod and Amy leaves with us.

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