Chapter 12

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Like I said before, don't mess with a girl that has an army behind her. I called for my daddy but of course Sunshine came sprinting in.
"What. The fuck. Happened?" One thing I didn't appreciate, Sunshine didn't spoil me. He was more of the rational thinker in my Papi's bunch and I guess that's why he kept him around. To be quite honest, if it wasn't for Sunshine, my dad would have owned a lot more body bags.
"Yo man, I real live don't know what Fieya problem is. We was talking and all of a sudden she was screaming and whatnot." I scoffed at Khalil and the explanation he gave Sunshine.
"Yeah yeah. You know what you left out slim? The part about you raising your voice. That shit don't fly in my kingdom."
"Lenguaje Fieya."
"Lo siento brillo del sol. He was just lying, real talk."
"More like you were just being a brat." That voice was familiar, but it certainly ain't come from the three people that were in the kitchen. So it obviously had to Rayon.
"Did anybody ask you lil bitch nigga?"
"Remember sunshine, language."
"You know what, I only babysit one kid and two of y'all ain't it. Everybody get y'all asses in the living room and I mean RIGHT now."
I huffed and stomped to the living room. I don't see why I have to report to the darn tooting living room, I was simply exercising my right to scream. Sunshine told us to sit down and that nobody could leave until all was resolved. Royale decided to start us off, son of a b-
"So my only thang wit you lil mama is that you spoiled. You too spoiled for your own good and could have somebody dead or beat up within a finger snap. An-"
"Well that's not my motherfuc-"
Sunshine interjected, "Let him finish."
Soft ass nigga I thought to myself.
"Anyway. All this foolishness started all because I told I ain't wanna be wit you. You a lil ass girl to me. Lil girl you fucking jail bait. Ow." See, Sunshine has this thing about language and uh lets just say, when you use profanity, you get punished. I guess Royale thought Sunshine was sweet or something, nah, he don't play. So therefore Rayon got punched in the face.
"Watch ya language kid. There's a lady present AND an adult. Have some respect for your elders."
"Aight man. But I just don't appreciate that shi- I mean crap. You can't be mad because the whole world won't bow to you and every fuc- freaking guy not gone like you. I'm 21 years old Fieya, did you really think we was gone work out?"
I rolled my eyes. I really didn't need o be hearing all this. It was completely pointless and all it was doing was further piss me off. Sunshine asked me if I had anything to say. Ya damn skippy I did.
"Well scrub, I never said the world was supposed to bow and that every guy would have to like me. That's unrealistic and completely conceited and I hate conceited people. Second of all scud, I never said we was gone work out, it was a simple school girl crush. You need to go on wit yo life and realize that it happened and it's over with. At the end of the day, my brothers STILL whooped that a- butt." I could see Khalil sitting up straighter, guess he had something to say.
"If you don't min' Mr...?", He dragged out the mister part as a way for Sunshine to say his name. But the thing is, nobody knew Sunshine's real name. Only person that probably did was my daddy, but I never bothered to ask.
"Sunshine. His name is Sunshine," I said.
"Well Mr. Sunshine, I gotta agree wit my cousin Rayon. No way in hel- I mean heck am I calling her a brat, but it seems to me that she is spoiled. I simply got a lil hot headed and that was wrong on my part, but she instantly just burst into tears and screams. I know people are sensitive but that's just taking it too far. I do wanna apologize Fieya for raising my voice at you. My OG taught me way better than to ever get loud wit a female, always stay calm. I instantly jumped to conclusions and assumptions and that was a female dog move right there. I should've allowed you to say what the real story was. And I guess the real story is that you got your heartbroken by your first crush. But you do need to let that young wall down that you built up and know everybody not out to hurt you like Rayon. No offense cuz, but you an a-hole. I didn't wanna say this in front of people, not that I'm ashamed, but uh I'm digging you Fieya. You mad chill and bout funny as hell too. I'll do what it take to get you. Ion EVEN care."
Well good God almighty, who would've thought, the boy does have game. I mean he told me the truth about myself and I've only known my parents to do that. But he did it in a way to where he was real but also sensitive to my feelings. I like this guy. He just kept looking at me with those chocolate drop eyeballs and i just wanted to melt like a Hershey bar right then and there.
"Maybe you're right Khalil, maybe I do need to stop being so bratty. But can you blame me? I'm so used to always getting what I want and controlling people because of who my daddy is. I'll stop being bratty, but you can forget about me turning in the spoiled card."
"Lil' girl PLEASE shut up. Nobody cares about your 'my daddy rules everything' lifestyle. Go get ya moms," Rayon said.
However, there was no need for me to retrieve my mother. She walked in as soon as his sentence was finished and right before I had the chance to start mine. Usually my moms is all smiles but she wasn't right now. Right now she looked straight up bugged son.
"Sunshine, what is going on down here? First I hear my daughter screaming, then I hear Rayon going on about something, now I walk into what?' She looked at each one of us like she was trying to see if we had something hidden ' what I assume to be an intervention."
"Look Ms. Greene, I just came here likes you asked me to."
By the look on my moms face I could tell she wasn't pleased by Rayon's tone of voice. I mean, based on what dude had to say, she invited him. The real question is WHY?! Like what was she thinking ? I don't want him around. Hell, I don't understand why I even liked him.
"You know what Rayon, you're right. I did invite you, but your services are no longer needed. My daughter has an escort that she picked out. Isn't that right Fieya?" My mother looked at me and I looked like a deer in the headlights.

Coming of Age and Coming to LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant