Chapter 11

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Now ain't that just like the devil, got BOTH these niggas here. Come on now. I'm already struggling between how I'm going to tell Khalil that I want him to be my escort. Now I got both my planned escort and wanted escort here. This don't make no shape, form, or matter of sense. I stood there, just looking. Looking at them look at me and all of us just looking a damn fool. Then finally someone spoke up.
"How you doing baby girl?"
See, I would've blushed if that question had come from Khalil, but it didn't. Instead it came from Rayon.
"What's it to you anyway dog?"
"Oh sweet thang' he said making his self into my home ' I real talk wanna know how you been ma."
"I ain't ya 'ma' and I been straight. How yo body feeling after that ass whooping?"
He chuckled, "Nothing that a real nigga from da block can't handle."
I scoffed at him, he probably just don't wanna seem weak in front of Khalil. Speaking of which, he was still standing outside. I walked back over to the door and away from the couch that Royale made his self comfortable on. I looked at Khalil and couldn't help myself but to blush. I went from damn near pissing on myself from seeing the two together to wanting to kiss Khalil.
"Ya know, you can come in whenever you like. Usually I don't do this but uh, my daddy know the-" I cut myself off. Here my dumb ass is about to reveal to him that I like him and how I want him to be my escort.
"Yo pops knows what now?"
"Huh? Oh nothing. Just that uh- yeah. You want something to drink?"
"I wouldn't mind baby girl. And while you at it, go fetch ya moms and tell her I'm here."
I honestly can't believe this clown. First you show up to my house uninvited. Then you WALK up in my house uninvited. Next you make ya shitty booty ass comfortable on my couch. And finally now you making demands and handing out request? I don't understand.
"First and foremost, I wasn't talking to you slim. Second, get yo feet off my moms table. Third, leave."
"That won't be happening no time soon baby girl, so get real comfortable with seeing my face."
"You know what, I'll help you with those drinks shor- I mean Fieya. Come on, point me to the kitchen."
"That's just like you Khalil, always gotta be da mediator in a situation."
I'm glad Khalil changed the subject and offered to help me. I was about three, four, five seconds from calling my brothers. I don't have to put up with this mess, this MY house.
"Come on Khalil." I walked towards the kitchen and couldn't help but look back. I wish I didn't though. When I looked back I seen a smirk plastered on Royale's face that I wish I could burn off. Forget a slap, I wanted his face to melt. I guess that's just the gangster coming out of me.
Khalil and I finally made it to the kitchen and I rested my hand on the island that was in the middle of the kitchen. I allowed the cold air on the marble counter to try and simmer down my boiling blood. Oh but was I in for a rude awakening. I felt a smooth hand slide on top of mine and hold my hand. I looked up into Khalil's eyes. Sweet Jesus, I was trying to calm down, not having my blood boiling with lust now. I looked down.
"Hey. Hey you. Look at me." I looked up into Khalil's chocolate drop looking eyes.
"What do you want?"
"Oh don't even try it shorty. I saw what happened back there, I wasn't completely invisible. Don't mind my cousin, he always been a asshole."
"I know, I- wait a minute. Did you just say cousin?"
"Yeah. You didn't know?"
"Hell no I didn't know. What in the name of Michael Kors?!"
"You mean the thought never crossed your mind of how and why we were both here. Wait a minute, how do YOU know my cousin?"
"You're cousin, is apart of the gang that my dad runs. And just so happened to have been a crush. A crush I wish I never had."
"You had a crush on my cousin shorty? Is this some form of a fucking game to you?" Khalil began to raise his voice at me, I didn't like that. The fact that he thought I was running game on these two was aggravating all on its own. You know what that means, spoiled brat tantrum here I come. I climbed on the counter, by that time tears were already falling, I took in a deep breath...

Coming of Age and Coming to LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant