Tessa nods in agreement with Elek as she stands up. "There's no way I'd let anyone in your condition go back out there, that's for sure. Hurting or not. So you're sticking around until we figure out how to get your hands back. No fuss about it."
Elek let out what at first sounded like a scoff, but then it mixed with a chuckle. He shakes his head, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. Once Tessa made up her mind about something, there certainly wasn't much to sway her decisions. Even so, Elek has to agree. If Marlina could be compared to a walking and talking sturdy construct and a hekoska managed that much damage, he wouldn't let her back out there, especially since even she didn't know how to treat her injuries.
"There are a few rooms at the tavern, but maybe she should stay here in the infirmary so she can be monitored?" Elek suggests to Tessa.
Marlina shakes her head. "Please, don't waste a bed on me, Sir Elek. It would be better for someone who needs the rest. I would hate to impose. I may not have hands at the moment, but I'm sure I can find a way to help around here to earn my keep for now." She is undoubtedly insistent. Perhaps those construct workings might also influence her behavior in such a way.
Then, there is a creak as the infirmary door opened wider, and the woman Elek had addressed as Aurea stepped into the room. Unbeknownst to Marlina, a chill filled the room with her presence. It wasn't ominous; on the contrary, it brought relief from the warmth outside.
"You are not expected to work in your condition." Her tone revealed her noble experience, showing that her word held final authority. "The only work happening tonight will be fortifying the defenses in case any more hekoska come near. I will not demand anyone injured to stand and fight. I'd rather you be safe here. So please, do not push yourself. We don't want your condition to worsen." Aurea then looks at Tessa. "Tessa, I need your help to build the defenses, please."
Tessa nods and quickly kisses Elek before following Aurea out the door. Elek turns and walks back to the other room, leaving Marlina alone momentarily.
Marlina has to admit, these people are certainly an interesting conglomerate. Wondering where Elek went, she slowly approaches the door and peeks in. The room is a bedroom with a large bed to her left and wardrobes on the walls beside the bed. This is likely the room that Elek and Tessa share. It makes sense, given that Tessa manages the infirmary and Elek is her romantic partner. For the most part, it appears clean but seems to be only 'half' lived in.
Half of the bed appears used, while the other side is neatly made, with women's clothing draped over several spots on the side of the room with the used bed. There didn't appear to be any men's clothes scattered about on the cleaner half. On the wall to Marlina's right hung a map of the continent; she saw it every time she passed through an inn while traveling across Urush. To those familiar with anatomy, the continent's shape resembled human lungs. There are markings, brief notes, and symbols used for a self-made legend in many areas of the Everlasting Expanse. If Marlina had to guess, it seemed like these people had explored a significant portion of the wastes, which was impressive given their humanity. This might explain why her two rescuers appeared unfazed by that terrifying beast.
Across from Marlina, another door was slightly ajar, allowing her to see Elek moving back and forth in the gap. However, what concerns her a bit was when she briefly spots Elek carrying what seemed to be a large, dirty bone. Does he handle dead bodies? It only confirms what was inside that coffin he had been so worried about earlier. Marlina's curiosity gets the better of her, and she quietly approaches to peek inside as well. Compared to the infirmary and the bedroom, the walls appear to have many large cabinets, at least a dozen. In the center of the room, a single table displays an almost complete skeleton arranged neatly on top.

Servitude: The Hydrangea Chapters
AdventureThe lifeless animated construct known only as Marlina, awakened in a world at odds from deep lingering scars of conquest, seeks a home where she can belong. With only knowing her name and that her purpose of being is to serve another, she journeys a...