Chp 23: Finding Even Ground

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After Marlina extinguished the lights in the tavern, she would leave and wander the halls, letting the conversations replay in her mind. The night was so quiet that she'd only hear her metallic footsteps against the floor. During her pondering, she then heard a chirping sound. Turning toward the sound, she found the braxl with the cloth tied to it. Its head was peeking out from the entrance to the den where the other braxl resided, flicking its tongue around as if it were seeking her.

Marlina smiled and tapped her toe against the floor before stepping toward it until it found her. Slowly emerging from the den, it nudged its nose against her arm.

"Good evening, my friend." It seemed to want scratches, so she rubbed her forearms against the top of its head and under its chin. "I'm sorryI have no snacks for you."

With the braxl shifting behind her, it used its tail to help her sit on its lower back, resting its head in her lap to encourage her to keep scratching.

Marlina, being thorough, kept her smile. "It's a shame you might leave and not return. Regardless, I believe you should have a name, but what should I call you?" She pondered for a moment. "I think I'll call you Lexi."

Of course not understanding her, it was more engrossed in her pampering and was chirping.

"I'm glad you feel comfortable around me, even if it's just from me spoiling you."

Though Marlina didn't hear anything, Lexi did, as its ears shifted around before hurrying back into the den with her still on its back. Its tail wrapped around her to keep her still while it and the other braxl that had been awoken listened, too. After a few moments, they sniffed the air and sat up, with Neterion carrying a bucket of food for the braxl, thick gloves covering his arms up to the elbows to protect him from their barbed tongues.

He silently fed them rotting vegetables for several moments, not taking his eyes off his hands. "I'm sorry for tackling you earlier and calling you an idiot and a loudmouth. If it makes you feel any better, I will likely end up with a few bruises from how solid you are." His tone was softer since Natashia had given him an earful about his attitude all night.

Marlina could tell what he was doing but still felt a bit sour about it. "You've been quite rude to me, so maybe those bruises are a little deserved."

Neterion glances at her, his lips shifting and giving a slight nod in agreement. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that too."

Marlina smiled softly, appearing content with his effort to be civil. "I can forgive you, since you saved my life. I only ask that we start on a better foot from now on."

She would have reached out to shake his hand if she had hands, but he also had the gloves covered in maggots and vegetables, so they had to settle for a nod.

"Deal." He shifted his attention back to feeding the braxl while they awaited their turns. "So, how much did you manage to hear?"

"More than I desired."

"He wants to go after Latos, doesn't he?"

Marlina nods.

Neterion scoffs. "There's no way Mordecai is getting into that city, even if he makes it to the Colonies. Even Natashia has to pretend to be Tessa for her chronicle. But that prince is there, and now Mordecai won't stop until he gets through to him. He can't do it alone but doesn't want our help."

"He tried to ask Sir Elek, but it would put him in great danger, which Miss Tessa wouldn't approve of. She insisted on another course of action. As for not wanting your involvement, I think he doesn't want you two to get hurt."

"It's too late for that. I have my own bone to pick with that prick. And he's not the only one I have a bone to pick with." As Neterion spoke, Marlina couldn't help but gaze at his scars with sympathy. Neterion then noticed Marlina and felt uncomfortable with her staring. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Latos gave you those scars, didn't he?"

Neterion sighs, his scowl softening as he holds out a handful of food to Lexi. "I guess it's not a big secret where these came from. Did Mordecai tell you?"

"There were hints towards that. I'm sorry, but I was caught. Mordecai spoke to me after the conversation."

Neterion lets out a light groan. "So it seems we'll have extra drills tomorrow. He probably wouldn't have known if I hadn't tackled you and made all that noise. You did your best, I guess."

Once Lexi had its fill, it curled its body to sleep while Marlina and Neterion left to let it rest. "I'll let Natashia know what's been said. I'm going to get some sleep since Mordecai will be running us ragged. Good night." Neterion put away the bucket and gloves, then headed to the barracks. Leaving Marlina alone, she made her way to Natashia's perch at the top of the outpost, where she had the best view to gaze at the stars for a while.


Before the sun had risen, Marlina heard voices below. Peering from her perch, she saw Mordecai and the twins standing in the courtyard, dressed in their uniforms. If Marlina hadn't known their relationship, she would only guess they were fellow soldiers based on how they stood. A sharp whistle from Mordecai prompted the twins to cycle through drills and exercises alongside him, just as Marlina had watched him do every morning.

As they transitioned from one basic drill to another, Marlina made her way down for a better view, only watching Mordecai do them alone. By the time they reached the final drill, Marlina had reached one of the outpost's upper-story windows to observe. Things had changed since Mordecai had done these alone. Once the exercises were completed, they started to warm up and began sparring hand in hand.

It soon became apparent why Neterion tackled and pinned Marlina so easily the night before. They didn't hesitate to lock each other in their grips by any means necessary. Watching them pry or slide out of their holds made her wonder if she could learn to defend herself that effectively. She wished she had the skills they possessed in certain situations in Urush; it certainly would have been useful.

As Marlina studied their movements, she occasionally shifted her body similarly and heard a giggle behind her. Turning around, she discovered Tessa, awake earlier than usual. Although she wore her typical gentle smile, her eyes appeared to sag from a lack of sleep.

"Oh, Miss Tessa, I didn't see you there. Good morning," Marlina says as she bows to her.

"Good morning, hun. I was wondering if you could help me today. I want to start preparing the field for our crops and plant seeds. Could you assist me?"

Marlina didn't know anything about farming, but she couldn't refuse to lend a hand. "Of course, Miss Tessa, I'll help with whatever you need."

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