The final remains discovered were only about an hour away, not much farther than the previous two. They came upon a geode resting above the sand; Marlina had taken a broken piece of the deposit to use as a makeshift headstone.
Attempting to remain in the shadow of the deposit as the sun rose, it appears this set of remains has not been in the wasteland as long as the other two, as their clothing is still in decent condition. The remains belong to a male in his twenties, and his attire is Urushian, specifically from the Earth Potreros. He was also missing his right hand. Based on the polishing tools found and a close examination of the deposit, he appears to have been a jeweler, likely involved in extracting gems. After Elek discovered dozens of small holes in the right radius and ulna, he inspected the stone. There was a section of the deposit with a hollowed core beneath a large crack, which was opened using Earth abilities, and filled with mammalian quills. Elek carefully picked up one at easy access, being cautious not to prick himself.
"What do you think happened to him?" Marlina inquired.
"If I had to guess, it's possible that this stone was home to a group of recently birthed dralzi, rodent-like creatures, that this man disturbed and was paralyzed by their poisonous quills while defending themselves. They might have claimed his hand as a meal before escaping to a safer home." Elek took a twig and reached deeper into the stone, discovering a wholly decomposed hand beneath the pile of quills. "I would also guess you found him resting on the rock, pulling him away and relieving him of his hand?" Her nod confirmed his suspicions.
Finally loading the last set of remains and a well-wrapped cylinder of dralzi quills, they took a moment to rest, feeding the braxl in preparation for the long journey back. Since Elek wanted to return before nightfall, he aimed to cover as much ground as possible during the several-hour journey. To prevent overheating and exhaust the braxl, he planned a short break in a cave between the locations of the first and second remains.
While he jotted down new notes on his map regarding the locations of the remains, Marlina sat beside him and gradually deciphered his scribbles. In just the last few days, Marlina had learned so much about the desert from Elek. Metal or not, there seemed to be deadly dangers even for someone as resilient as she was. Now she regretted dismissing the offer for a copy of that newsletter before coming here.
"You wouldn't happen to have the Lodestar Chronicle with you? I'd hate to keep bothering you with questions all the time," Marlina asked.
Initially, her inquiry seemed random, but it quickly became clear to him why she'd ask if she intended to journey across the rest of the desert to the Colonies. Considering what she had gone through and how the remains they were about to transport had met their fates out here, it would benefit her to gain more knowledge. She may not be human, but that doesn't mean she can't assist someone else less resilient than she is if she encounters them. At this point, Aurea would ensure that Marlina does not trek across the desert on foot again and will arrange for her to travel with the twins the next time they deliver to the Colonies.
"I have the latest issue. We try to keep the most current information on our person when we travel through the wastes. I've wondered if you think someone could be searching for you."
"What do you mean?"
He wasn't sure how disclosing his true thoughts about her would affect her, but it was evident that she wasn't human and must have originated from somewhere. However, the seed she possesses seems to be the only connection between her and her creator. "As someone from the Colonies, known to dabble in all sorts of things, you remind me of an artificial construct that Colonials create as personal attendants. Artificial life designed as a tool for those who created it."

Servitude: The Hydrangea Chapters
AdventureThe lifeless animated construct known only as Marlina, awakened in a world at odds from deep lingering scars of conquest, seeks a home where she can belong. With only knowing her name and that her purpose of being is to serve another, she journeys a...