Chapter 14

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Third Person's POV

The hum of the Zenith car's engine filled the quiet space as Kingler drove, his hand gripping the wheel a bit tighter than usual. Acer noticed his slight frown and smirked, knowing Kingler was working through something.

Kingler finally broke the silence. "You and Archie seem to be getting close lately," he said, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance.

Acer chuckled softly, glancing over at Kingler's pout. "It's nothing like that. Archie's just helping me with the company's projects. We're trying to make things run smoother."

"Yeah, right," Kingler muttered, glancing at the road but clearly still stewing. "I just think you two spend a bit too much time together."

Acer smiled, amused by the jealousy in Kingler's voice. "It's purely business. Besides, he's a good asset. The company needs him."

Kingler shot a sideways look. "I don't care how good he is. I'm better."

Acer laughed. "Well, you're better at different things. Don't worry, Archie's not taking your place."

Kingler let out a small huff, shaking his head. "He better not be. You're mine."

The light-hearted jealousy melted as the conversation shifted, Kingler asking, "What about your family? I don't think I've heard much about them from you."

Acer sighed, shifting in his seat. "Well, let's start with my father, Ferro. He's the mayor, as you know. We're not close. I don't like him much, but I don't actively go against him either. He's still my father." Acer paused, his fingers tapping his knee absently. "What I can't understand is my mom, Alicia. She's still in love with him, despite everything. It's always puzzled me... how she can put up with his lies and manipulative nature."

Kingler listened closely, his usual playful demeanor now serious. Acer continued, "And then there's Fernando, my uncle. He's always been bitter because Don Felipe favored my dad. Back then, Don Felipe supported Ferro's decision to go into politics even though he wanted him in the company. Now, it's like the roles have reversed, and Don Felipe can't stand my father for refusing the company."

Acer glanced at Kingler, who nodded as he drove, listening intently. "Fernando thought he'd inherit the company since Ferro didn't take it, but Don Felipe has been quiet about his plans for the company's future. Instead, he gave Fernando the grape plantation to manage. And though he accepted it, Fernando never really got over the fact that he wasn't trusted with the family business."

Kingler gave a thoughtful hum. "Sounds like a complicated mess. Family always is, huh?"

Acer nodded. "Yeah, it is. Then there's Titania... I don't know much about her. But what I do know is she's a gambler. Loves taking risks. That's all I can really say about her."

A brief silence filled the car as Acer sighed. "That's enough of my family drama. You still listening, or did I put you to sleep?" Acer teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Kingler grinned. "Of course I'm listening, every word of it. Though, I'd rather talk about more fun things." He leaned over, flashing Acer a sly smile, his voice dropping into a flirtatious tone. "Speaking of risks, maybe we should gamble a little later-only, not with cards."

Acer rolled his eyes, but his lips curled into a smile. "You just never stop, do you?"

Kingler smirked, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Not when it comes to you."

Arya's Pov

Admiring the Lizardo mansion was impossible to resist. From the moment I stepped inside, my breath was taken away. The grandeur of the place overwhelmed me-the high ceilings, the expensive, delicate-looking furniture, the glimmering chandeliers hanging above. Every corner of this house screamed elegance and wealth. I couldn't help but walk slowly, eyes wide, taking it all in.

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