7- Walks

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The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft glow over the quiet neighbourhood as Rachel looked out her window. Rachel had always been prone to anxious thoughts, but it was around the end of January, as February approached, that they became more intense and harder to shake. She found herself going on long walks, using them as a way to quiet her mind. The walks, though, had started to take on a different purpose lately. After meeting Adrien, she began expecting to see him outside his house whenever she passed by, and it wasn't long before those expectations turned into casual routines. He'd be there most mornings, sitting on the porch or lingering near the front yard, and Rachel, after a shy wave or a brief exchange of pleasantries, would end up stopping to talk.

Adrien did most of the talking at first. He'd ramble on about Super Mario, how he'd recently gotten hooked on it again, or their shared love for Demon Slayer, which Rachel found out by accident when she saw him wearing a Rengoku t-shirt. It made her smile, knowing that a grown man still had such enthusiasm for anime. But then, on the days where Rachel felt her anxiety gnawing at her, she found herself opening up more. She'd talk about school, the pressures of her new life, and the feeling of being constantly weighed down by worry. Adrien, would listen, never offering a solution but just nodding and being present. It was enough for Rachel, at least for the moment.

Sometimes Adrien would join her on these walks, and without warning, he'd suddenly dash away, shouting, "Tag, you're it!" It took Rachel by surprise the first few times, but she quickly adapted, chasing him through the streets or around empty parks. At first, she felt embarrassed by the curious glances of strangers, but after a while, she learned to ignore them. This was her time to let loose, and Adrien made it feel okay.

On one of these walks, Rachel had planned to grab groceries, and she casually asked if Adrien wanted to tag along. He agreed without hesitation, and soon they were strolling through the aisles of the market, chatting as if they had known each other for years. When they reached the toy section, something caught Rachel's eye. A bracelet-making set and a makeup kit — one of those toy ones where the makeup actually worked.

"I always wanted one of these so badly when I was a kid" Rachel said, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. She laughed, shaking her head at the memory.

"Why didn't you get it?" Adrien asked, genuinely curious.

Rachel laughed again, this time with more amusement. "Well, my parents didn't think it would be the smartest thing to spend my money on. Plus, I always had more 'practical' things to buy."

Adrien didn't say much after that. He just smiled quietly, a mischievous glint in his eyes that Rachel noticed all too well.

She raised an eyebrow, half-expecting him to pull some prank. "What are you planning this time?" she asked, but all Adrien did was giggle, shrugging it off.

They left the store just as the sun was beginning to set, casting an orange glow over the park next to the market. Without needing to discuss it, they wandered over to one of the benches, unwrapped the sandwiches they'd picked up, and ate quietly. The comfort of silence between them was something Rachel had grown to appreciate.

It was Adrien who broke the silence first. "When's your birthday, by the way?" he asked between bites.

"March 23," Rachel answered, realizing that she had never really talked much about personal things like that. It also dawned on her that she had never asked him about his age. The thought lingered for a moment before she blurted out, "Wait, how old are you?"

Adrien looked at her, a small smirk tugging at his lips, as if he had been waiting for her to ask. "I'm 42."

Rachel let out a scoff, shaking her head. "God, you're old" she teased.

Adrien chuckled, clearly unbothered by the comment. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"And your birthday?"

"December 5," he said, smiling as he watched her process the information. They sat quietly for a few minutes, the conversation drifting into stillness as they both stared ahead.

It was Adrien who broke the silence again, but this time there was a shift in his tone, something more vulnerable. "I, uh, got told to leave my job last month."

Rachel glanced over at him, unsure if she should ask why. The weight of the words hung in the air, but something told her it wasn't the time to pry. She simply nodded, acknowledging what he said without pressing for more details.

Suddenly, she could feel his gaze on her from her peripheral vision. Watching her carefully, as if waiting for some kind of reaction. Without turning her head, she spoke, keeping her eyes fixed on the horizon. "Wanna play tag?"

Adrien's face lit up, the tension breaking as he smiled. "Of course."

And just like that, they were off again — two grown adults running through the park, laughing and shouting as if the world around them didn't exist. Rachel was no longer aware of the curious stares from the people walking by, and frankly, she didn't care. All that mattered was the joy of the moment, the simplicity of playing a game that reminded her of childhood.

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