15- Ramen

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Rachel sat across from Krystal at the college cafeteria, stirring her drink absentmindedly as she listened to her so-called friend talk about the upcoming party.

"My parents are going away for the weekend, so I'm throwing a huge party at my place. You have to come," Krystal said, her voice brimming with excitement.

Rachel hesitated. She wasn't much for large gatherings, especially not with people she didn't know. Besides, exams were around the corner. "I don't know, Krystal. Exams are coming up, and I don't think I'd enjoy a party like that."

Krystal's eyes narrowed slightly, her smile remaining but taking on an edge. "Oh, come on. Don't be so boring. You've been cooped up studying for too long. You have to experience at least one American college party. Who cares about exams? Live a little."

Rachel bit her lip, feeling uneasy. She could sense the pressure building, but something deeper, more sinister lurked behind Krystal's words. That's when Krystal's tone shifted to something more controlled, almost calm, yet dripping with a subtle threat.

"And... you wouldn't want anyone to find out about your... '42-year-old friend,' would you?" Krystal's eyes gleamed with quiet triumph.

Rachel's stomach dropped. Adrien. She hadn't told anyone about him, at least not explicitly, but Krystal had pieced it together. "I've seen you sneak off after class, and I spotted you with him at the beach." Krystal's voice was casual, but the meaning was clear. She didn't know Adrien's name, but she knew enough.

Rachel's heart raced as her mind scrambled. If she didn't go, Krystal would surely spread the word. It wasn't herself Rachel worried about—rumors had followed her from Singapore, and she had weathered them before. But now they would include Adrien, and that terrified her. She knew how cruel people could be, how they would cross every line for their own amusement. She couldn't let them drag Adrien into it.

Her voice barely above a whisper, she muttered, "Fine, I'll go."

The rest of the day passed in a blur of anxiety, Rachel's mind trapped in a loop of what-ifs. Why was Krystal doing this? She barely understood the blackmail herself. All because she didn't want to go to a party?

At home, Rachel paced her room, torn between dreading the party and worrying about what might happen if she didn't go. Ultimately, for Adrien's sake, she made up her mind. She would go, if only to protect him. She got ready, throwing on a simple outfit, and made her way to Krystal's house.

When she arrived, the moment the door opened, she was assaulted by the pounding music and a chaotic crowd of people. The noise hit her like a wall, and she could barely think straight as Krystal appeared, all smiles, pulling her inside.

"Rachel! So glad you made it!" Krystal exclaimed, putting on a show for the crowd.

Rachel stood by the stairs, feeling painfully out of place as she watched people take shots and shout over the music. The noise was overwhelming, the smell of alcohol and sweat thick in the air. Soon enough, the questions began.

"Hey, are you one of those 'Crazy Rich Asians'?" a guy slurred, referencing the movie with a wink.

Another girl chimed in, "Why do all Chinese people look the same?"

Rachel's jaw tightened, but she kept quiet. Their ignorance was suffocating, but she didn't trust herself to speak without exploding. She wanted nothing more than to leave, but before she could slip away, the music cut off abruptly.

Krystal, standing in the center of the room, raised her voice. "Everyone, listen up! We have a special guest tonight—Rachel here! She's been working so hard studying ever since she got here, and we wanted to do something special for her!"

Rachel's heart sank. She already knew something was wrong. Krystal's grin looked forced, everyone's eyes flicking toward the stairs. Before Rachel could react, she saw them—Krystal's friends upstairs holding a giant pail.

Confusion washed over her, but as the liquid hit her—scalding, greasy red ramen soup—Rachel's world froze. Laughter erupted around her. She stood, drenched in the sticky broth, feeling the eyes on her, the humiliation sinking deeper into her skin.

Everyone was laughing, completely losing it, and Rachel just wanted to disappear. She turned and ran, but Krystal was on her heels.

"Rachel, wait!" Krystal called out, panic in her voice.

Rachel spun around, her vision blurry with anger and tears. "Why would you do this? Why would you blackmail me into coming if you didn't want me here?" she demanded, her voice shaking with rage and hurt.

Krystal stammered, avoiding Rachel's gaze. "It wasn't my idea! My friends... they wanted you to come. I didn't plan the prank."

"Then why blackmail me?" Rachel's voice cracked. "Was that it? Just to get me here so they could humiliate me?"

Krystal looked away, guilt flickering across her face. Rachel pressed on, her words gaining strength. "Why would you agree to something so disgusting? You've never treated me like a friend—always pointing out that I'm Chinese, always laughing along with your friends when they made fun of me. Why?"

Krystal's defenses shot up. "Grow up, Rachel! They were just jokes. You are Chinese. You are Singaporean. Why can't I introduce you as that?"

Rachel's voice lowered, each word biting. "Because it's never just a joke...and you know that damn well. And what's this about blackmailing me over Adrien? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Krystal's voice faltered. "I just... I wanted my old friends back. They dumped me in high school because I didn't agree with their pranks. But now... I thought if I could show them I could be part of the fun again, they'd accept me."

Rachel stared at her, a mix of pity and disgust churning in her chest. "So, you'd betray everything you stood for just to get accepted again? You'd destroy someone else for that? Seriously how pathetic are you?"

Krystal had no answer. She turned and slinked back into the house, leaving Rachel standing alone, soaked, humiliated, and seething with emotions too tangled to process.

Rachel stood outside, tears slipping down her cheeks. She felt so small, so utterly powerless. With trembling hands, she pulled out her phone and dialed Adrien's number.

He picked up after the first ring. "Rachel?"

Hearing his voice cracked something inside her, and she broke down. "Adrien... can you pick me up? I just want to go home."

"Where are you?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

She gave him the address, barely able to speak through her sobs. Adrien didn't ask any more questions; he just promised he was on his way.

Within minutes, his car pulled up in front of Krystal's house. Adrien stepped out, rushing toward Rachel. His face fell when he saw her covered in red ramen soup. "Rachel... who did this to you?" His voice was soft, tinged with sadness and anger.

Rachel couldn't answer. She could only cry, the trauma of the night too raw to explain. Without a second thought, Adrien pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly, not caring that the soup was soaking into his clothes.

"Let's get you out of here," he whispered, leading her to his car. Once inside, he suggested, "Maybe we should stop by my place so you can clean up. My parents are home, but... it'll be fine."

Rachel nodded weakly, still unable to speak. All she knew was that Adrien was there, and for now, that was enough.

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