17- Breakfast

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The next morning, Rachel woke up to the soft light filtering through Adrien's curtains. She blinked a few times, trying to shake off the sleep that clung to her. Adrien's room felt warm and safe, like a sanctuary. As she stretched, she glanced at the Super Mario poster on the wall, smiling slightly.

She heard the faint clatter of dishes downstairs and figured Adrien and his parents were already awake. As she got out of bed, she noticed a pile of neatly folded clothes just outside the door, placed there just as Adrien had promised. A pair of joggers and a faded band t-shirt. She smiled softly, knowing they were his.

She changed quickly and headed downstairs, her heart feeling heavy with the lingering thoughts of last night. But she reminded herself that Adrien had never rushed her to speak when she wasn't ready, so she would extend the same grace to him. She would wait, as long as it took, until Adrien was ready to tell her himself.

Downstairs, she found Adrien at the kitchen counter, casually flipping through a comic book while sipping tea. His mom was bustling around, making breakfast, while his dad leaned against the doorframe, already dressed for the day. Without a word, Adrien poured tea into Rachel's cup.

"Morning," Adrien greeted her with a smile, setting down his cup.

"Good morning," Rachel replied, returning the smile as she sat down at the table. She could feel the warmth in the room, the quiet hum of a normal morning in their house, and it was comforting.

"Sleep well?" Adrien asked, his tone light as he sat down across from her, stirring a bit of honey into his tea.

Rachel nodded. "Yeah, thanks. Your bed was really comfortable."

Adrien's mom placed a plate of pancakes in front of her with a motherly smile. "Eat up, dear. You'll need your energy for the day."

Rachel thanked her, taking a small bite. The food was delicious, but she still felt a little distracted, her mind drifting back to the conversation she'd had with Adrien's parents the night before. She wanted to ask him—wanted to understand why he was hiding —but she wasn't ready to push him. Not yet. She respected his privacy, just as he had always respected hers.

After a quiet breakfast, Adrien stood and grabbed his car keys. "Ready for class?" he asked, his usual playful tone returning.

Rachel nodded, grateful for the normalcy. "Yeah, let's go."

They drove in a comfortable silence, the early morning air crisp as they cruised through the streets. Rachel occasionally glanced at Adrien, his calm aura never betraying the secret she now knew he carried. But she wasn't going to force it. She would wait, just as he had always waited for her when she needed time. And she was confident that he would tell her eventually.

On the way to her lecture, they stopped for breakfast at a cozy little café, just as he had promised. They ordered pastries and coffee, sitting by the window as they watched the world go by. Adrien joked about random things, trying to make her laugh, and for the most part, it worked. She could feel the ease between them return as it always would when they would meet each other.

By the time they reached the college, Rachel felt lighter, and more like herself again. Adrien pulled up to the entrance, leaning over slightly to look at her as she gathered her things.

"You're gonna be okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern but also the same easygoing tone he always used with her.

Rachel smiled, her heart swelling with affection for him. "I'll be fine," she assured him.

He nodded, his eyes soft. "Alright. I'll see you later."

Rachel paused before getting out, glancing at him one last time. "Adrien?"


"Thank you... for everything."

Adrien smiled, that lopsided grin of his that made her heart skip a beat. "Always."

Rachel got out of the car and watched as he drove off, feeling the weight of their unspoken understanding settle between them. She knew he would tell her in his own time, just like she had eventually opened up to him. For now, she would wait. No matter how long it took.

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