31- Home

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The airport buzzed with the familiar sounds of travelers bustling about, voices merging into a cacophony of excitement and anticipation. Rachel stood near the check-in counter, her heart heavy with the weight of farewells and new beginnings. Just days ago, she had sat in Adrien's room, a world away, enveloped in memories of their time together. Now, as she prepared to board the plane to Singapore, she felt a profound emptiness where his presence should have been.

As she maneuvered through the throngs of passengers, she found herself glancing back, half-expecting to see Adrien's familiar smile, that snaggletoothed grin that always made her heart flutter. But he wasn't there, and the absence of that comforting figure only deepened the ache in her chest.

After a long flight, Rachel finally landed in Singapore. The warm air wrapped around her like a blanket, a stark contrast to the chill of winter she had just left behind. As she stepped into the arrival hall, her eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on her parents, standing together, their expressions a mix of relief and joy.

"Rachel!" her mother called, waving enthusiastically.

Rachel's heart raced at the sight of them. She rushed forward, her suitcase rolling behind her as she enveloped them in a tight embrace. "Ma! Pa! I missed you both so much," she whispered, her voice slightly muffled against her mother's shoulder.

"We missed you too, sweetheart," her father said, squeezing her tightly.

As they made their way to the car, Rachel tried to muster a smile, but it felt forced. The tiredness from the journey weighed heavily on her, and she felt the lingering sorrow of losing Adrien pull at her heartstrings. Her parents chatted amiably about their lives, but Rachel's responses were short and distant. They exchanged concerned glances but chose not to press her, assuming her fatigue was the culprit.

When they arrived home, Rachel stepped inside to find the dining table adorned with a feast of her favorite foods—her mother's savory chicken rice, aromatic laksa, and sweet mango sticky rice. Her heart swelled with warmth at the sight, yet she couldn't shake the emptiness inside.

"Surprise! We wanted to make you something special to celebrate your return," her mother said with a bright smile, trying to lighten the mood.

As they sat down to eat, Rachel picked at her food, her appetite lost amidst the emotional turmoil swirling inside her. Suddenly, the dam broke, and tears streamed down her cheeks, catching her parents off guard.

"Rachel, what's wrong?" her father asked, worry etched on his face as he placed a comforting hand on her back.

Rachel shook her head, unable to articulate the whirlwind of emotions crashing over her. The tears fell harder, and she buried her face in her hands. Her mother and father quickly moved to her side, crouching down beside her.

In that moment, Rachel felt an overwhelming urge to let everything spill out. She wrapped her arms around them, pulling them close. She poured out her heart to her mother, revealing how she truly felt before moving to America, the struggles she faced with Krystal, and the joy Adrien had brought into her life. She spoke of his passing, the immense pain that still gripped her heart, and the lingering shadows of grief that felt insurmountable.

Her parents listened intently, their hearts aching as they absorbed the weight of her pain. They pulled back slightly, looking into her tear-filled eyes. They couldn't help but feel guilty for not realizing the depth of her hurt.

As Rachel's words flowed, she felt the burden she had carried for so long begin to lighten. The warmth of her parents' understanding enveloped her, a cocoon of love that made the pain feel a little less overwhelming.

"Rachel, we're so sorry we didn't realize how much you were hurting," her father said softly. "We should have been there for you."

"And we're not mad about Adrien," her mother added. "He brought you happiness. That's all that matters to us."

"I just... I didn't want to disappoint you," she admitted, her voice shaky.

"Sweetheart," her father said, placing his hands on her shoulders, "you could never disappoint us. We love you, no matter what. You need to promise us that when you're feeling this way again, you'll come to us. We will drop everything for you."

In that moment of shared vulnerability, Rachel felt a flicker of warmth grow in her chest. She looked up at her parents, their faces a mixture of sadness and love. "Thank you for being here," she whispered, her voice trembling but stronger now.

"Always, Rachel. Always," her mother replied, kissing the top of her head.

They spent the rest of the evening together, laughing through tears, sharing stories, and slowly healing the wounds that had been left unspoken. Rachel knew that while the road ahead might be tough, she wouldn't have to walk it alone.

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