Back in the Dungeon

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Steve slowly opened his eyes, seeing that everybody was asleep. He felt weird, like if his clothes were strangling him, but he thought that it didn't matter. He no longer felt that sweet taste.

He looked closely at everyone, seeing that the Kobu brothers were taller than before, and they now had normal clothes instead of those blue leather ones.

Then he saw how Celta had her eyes opened, ready for any sudden attacks. Her hair was much whiter than before, and she had new clothes.

Steve rapidly stood up, but he felt weak, a lot weaker than before, so he lost balance falling to the ground, hitting his head.

Celta saw that and fastly stood up, rushing to where Steve was and strongly hugged him.

"What is she doing?", thought Steve.

The old woman, almost crying said "I'm glad you are okay".

Steve was dumbfounded. He didn't understand why she was so worried of him, so he asked "What do you mean?".

Celta didn't answer, she just hugged him.

"What do you mean?", asked Steve a bit louder.

"You have been acting weird for almost three years. Like if you were sleepwalking", she replied. She stopped hugging him and stood up. "You didn't talk, you didn't train. You didn't do a thing. You almost didn't even eat!"


"You are kidding, right?", asked Steve rubbing the part of his head that he hit. He wasn't able to because of Celta's hug.

"Why would I?", she replied.

Then everything started to make sense to Steve. It made sense why his clothes didn't fit, why he was so weak, the reason why the two teens were much taller than before, and why Celta's hair was so white.

"REALLY? THREE YEARS!?", asked Steve. He couldn't accept it. He had lost so much time. He wanted to return with his new family as fast as possible, but he had lost another three years.

"Yeah, crazy how time passes", she answered, not knowing what Steve was going through. "And don't shout, you will wake them up".

"Don't worry, we already woke up", they both said.

"Ugh, now I will have to make breakfast early", she said annoyed. Then she made her book float and created a table out of stone from the walls, then following the same process to make food that she always did, humming the song she always hummed.

While she was cooking, Steve asked: "Why do you make your book float each time you use it?".

This made Celta stop cooking the goblin meat. "Do you really wanna know?", she asked turning her head to see Steve straight to his eyes.


"Well, a lot of years ago I would have said 'Dramatic effects'", she said making Steve think that she and her son were definitely related. "But since I got trapped here, I put a spell on this book that each day a stripe appears on the book, so each time I use magic, I remind myself of the time I have spent here and why I want to get out".

After saying that, she returned to cooking the goblin meat, using the pot she had created many years ago to make and heat soup, using water to fill it, almost to the brim.


"Damn, that's very... I don't know what to say", answered Steve. He saw how Yoro and Tako were also impressed, so he assumed that they hadn't heard that.

Then Steve remembered something he wanted to tell her, so he asked: "Remember that Kappanelle you mentioned?", to what Celta replied that she did.

"I'm her tird child".

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