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Hashim struggled to open his eyes, his head feeling incredibly heavy. The ringing in his ears was relentless, and his vision was blurred. His body ached with fatigue. Summoning his remaining strength, he tried to recall what had happened.

He reached for something to support himself but realized with shock that his hands were bound.

"Wake up, don't pretend to be unconscious..." A voice, stern and commanding, pierced through his daze.

He felt a kick to his legs. "Wake up!" the voice barked again.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Hashim managed to ask weakly as he struggled to sit up despite his tied hands.

Next to him, Fariza lay unconscious, her hands bound as well. Hashim called out to her, ignoring the figure standing nearby.

"Fariza... Fariza... are you okay?" he called several times, but Fariza remained unresponsive.

"I should be asking who you are... what tribe are you from? And why is your attire so repugnant?" the figure demanded.

"I want to know where I am first. Answer that before I answer your questions... And you're criticizing my clothes? Look at yours—like something out of ancient times," Hashim retorted.

"You must know you're in Sintar Sari... Just answer my questions about your tribe and your purpose here," the figure snapped.

"Sintar Sari... I've never heard of it. I must have arrived here through the portal at Pak Reno's house," Hashim thought, trying to figure out his next move.

"Fine, release me first. I'm not dangerous. I'm unarmed. Release these bindings, and I promise I'll explain everything. I'm not from any tribe you know. I'm just a victim of circumstance, thrown into this place against my will," Hashim insisted.

The figure paused for a moment before responding, "Very well. I'll release you. But remember, don't try anything that could harm yourself." The figure drew a knife and cut the bindings on Hashim's hands.

"Now, tell me who you are and why you're here. Quickly! Don't waste my time!" the figure demanded.

"I'm Hashim... and this is my friend, Fariza," Hashim began, hoping the figure would understand and believe them.

The mention of Malaysia seemed to ignite the figure's anger. Hashim's hair was grabbed, and the knife was pressed against his neck.

"I warned you not to play games with me. Malaysia... that's a name from the axis of kingdoms!" the figure growled.

"Please, listen to my explanation," Hashim replied calmly, holding the figure's hand to prevent the knife from pressing harder against his neck.

"I'm not lying. I'm telling the truth," Hashim said carefully.

Slowly, the figure released Hashim's hair and sat down beside him. Hashim also moved away from the figure.

"I am Siti Sari Bainun... swear by your mother's name that you're not lying to me," the figure said earnestly.

"I swear by my mother's name that I'm not lying. I'm just as confused. It's hard for someone like me to believe what's happening. I hope you understand. I just want to get out of this place," Hashim responded.

"How did you come here?" Siti Sari Bainun asked, her face showing signs of distress.

"With a kris," Hashim answered.

"Where is the kris?" Siti Sari Bainun inquired.

"I don't know... All I know is that my friend and I ended up here. I'm also searching for answers," Hashim replied.

"If what you say is true... then the events of the past will repeat. Bloodshed is inevitable. But..." Siti Sari Bainun paused.

"But what?" Hashim asked, urging her to continue.

"But... it also means everything is happening in its due time..." Siti Sari Bainun concluded.

"I don't understand..." Hashim replied.

"Let me take you to someone. Perhaps you will understand my meaning better," Siti Sari Bainun said.

Fariza was beginning to regain consciousness. Hashim quickly moved to her side.

"Hey, where are we?" Fariza asked, her voice filled with confusion.

"I'm glad you're awake... Come on, follow me. I'll explain everything soon," Hashim said, helping Fariza to her feet.

"Who is she?" Fariza asked, looking at Siti Sari Bainun, though her vision was still unclear.

"Come on, slowly... I'll explain later," Hashim repeated, leading Fariza to follow him

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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