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Early in the morning, Fariza was already stationed at the departure hall entrance. By the time Hashim arrived at KLIA 1, Fariza was engrossed in her phone while sipping a hot cup of coffee. "You're early," Hashim remarked.

"I don't like rushing," Fariza replied with a shrug. "I prefer to take things slow and steady."
"Well then, let's head to the departure hall. We only have a little over an hour before the flight departs, provided there are no delays," Hashim suggested. Fariza nodded in agreement.

As the plane ascended into the sky, Hashim gazed out at the vast expanse of God's creation. He felt a profound sense of insignificance, contemplating how small humanity was, not only on Earth but within the boundless universe. He wondered whether there were still uncharted territories on Earth, what creatures inhabited the remote corners of the planet, and what lay beneath the vast oceans, which cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface. The oceans, being the least explored part of the Earth's surface, intrigued him deeply. Lost in these thoughts, Hashim drifted into a nap.

Suddenly, Hashim was jolted awake by a cacophony of noise within the aircraft. Something was amiss. The plane seemed to lurch and plunge erratically. The sound of anxious passengers murmuring prayers filled the cabin, with some huddling quietly in solitary supplication. Hashim's concern grew as he realized that Fariza, having changed her seat before check-in, was now out of his sight. She preferred not to be seated at the rear of the plane.

Peering out of the window, Hashim saw dark, menacing clouds enveloping the aircraft, and lightning flashed intermittently. While it was not uncommon for a plane to encounter thunderstorm zones, usually, the captain would be forewarned by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) if the flight path was likely to approach severe weather, allowing the captain to alter course.
Although Hashim was no aviation expert, he had some knowledge from his reading. His passion for technical fields had led him to become a teacher, which he valued greatly as a way to serve his community. However, the current situation was undeniably frightening. "Oh no, not an air pocket, too," he thought anxiously. The other passengers appeared frozen in fear, many of them clutching rosaries and murmuring fervent prayers.

The captain's voice came over the intercom, announcing that the aircraft would make an emergency landing at a nearby airport due to engine failure. The plane had lost one of its engines! Panic spread through the cabin as Hashim's thoughts raced. He knew that a plane could still fly with one engine, but in such turbulent weather, only hope and prayers could offer any solace.

**Thunk!** Hashim felt himself being hurled into the surface of the churning sea. The violent waves seemed to pull him deeper, dragging him towards the ocean floor. A question surged through his mind: had the plane failed to return to the nearby airport? Had it crashed? Bewildered, with his head throbbing, Hashim struggled to remember anything. He desperately sought something to cling to, fighting against the relentless waves. Once more, he was pulled down.
From the murky depths of the ocean, a sudden beam of light appeared, growing brighter and larger as if a small opening was expanding. The swirling vortex of water drew him closer to the source of light. Hashim felt himself drowning and tried to surface, but his efforts seemed in vain. A thought flickered through his mind: "I never imagined my end would come by drowning."

The pull of the underwater vortex continued to drag Hashim towards the expanding opening. With his strength waning, he felt as though he had passed through the ocean floor's gateway.

"What is this?" he wondered, as it felt like he was traversing a tunnel but could breathe freely. After what felt like floating in this tunnel, Hashim sensed a sudden fall, as if plummeting from the sky and crashing onto solid ground.

"Where am I?" he thought, his entire body aching. Hashim attempted to rise but was too weak and collapsed into unconsciousness.

**"Where am I?"** Hashim tried to open his eyes slowly. Bewilderment gripped him. How could this be? The plane had crashed, and he was stranded on some strange land that might be beneath the ocean's surface! As he opened his eyes, a chill ran through him. He was surrounded by a group of beings reminiscent of the gondorowo from Malay ghost stories. These beings were burly, covered in fur, and towering. Some wielded spears and shields, resembling mythical warriors. Hashim was unsure whether to describe these beings as creatures or individuals.

He lay in a chamber that seemed beyond the capacity of any beast to create. The design and carvings of the chamber were uniquely intricate, a blend of Malay and Madagascan artistry. It was beautiful and hard to describe. One of the beings approached him. Hashim tried to rise, fearing what might happen, but his body remained weak and powerless. "Perhaps this is their leader," Hashim thought. The approaching being wore a small crown-like adornment, suggesting a higher status among its peers. Hashim stared, waiting to see what would happen next.

"How are you?" the being asked. Hashim was startled again. "Wow, this creature can talk, and how does it know the language I understand?!"

"Where am I?! What is this place?!"

"Who are you all? What kind of beings are you?!" Hashim demanded.

The being moved closer. "Rest for now... don't worry about it."

"No! I don't need rest. I just want to leave this place. This must be an illusion, a trick of demons and devils. I know I have many sins! And demons and devils will always try to deceive my senses," Hashim shouted at the being.

Seeing Hashim calm down slightly, the being continued, "This place is not an illusion. Illusion is a creation of the Almighty to hide something worthwhile; thus, consider illusion as a journey for those who believe in it.

Do you think that the Almighty created only you, demons, and devils in His creation? When you encounter beings different from your kind, do you call them demons and devils without hesitation? As a vicegerent on this earth, you should know that the Almighty created various dimensions and realms, each with different forms of life and creatures of diverse kinds, beliefs, and practices." Hashim was taken aback by the rebuke. He knew this, but the turmoil of recent events had left him disoriented and out of control. Besides, even if one knew, not everyone could easily perceive the "creations" beyond the visible world. Some people might never encounter other divine creations beyond the animals on Earth.

Suddenly, there was a commotion and the sound of what seemed like trumpets and war drums. The beings around Hashim appeared to be preparing for something. "Rest for now; we have other matters to attend to," the being said. Hashim tried to stand and see what was happening outside, but his head throbbed painfully... He fell back into unconsciousness.

"Sir... Sir... please wake up, we are about to land now... straight up your seat please..." A distant voice urged him. "Sir... straight up your seat and please fasten your seat belt." This time, Hashim jolted awake. The voice was that of a flight attendant. The plane was approaching its destination and preparing to land. "Astagfirullah," he whispered, realizing he had been dreaming. "What a strange dream," he thought. "Perhaps I was so absorbed in thoughts about the vastness of the universe and its inhabitants that it carried over into my dreams."

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