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It's been two months since Emily had been reborn as Daenerys and that meant she had only a few months left until both the baby and her husband were to be killed. She cared for her husband, yes, but she wasn't in love with him as Daenerys was on the show. It was a sad realization, but it had to be made one way or another. 

And at this moment Daenerys was speaking with Jorah as they road close to the front of the procession. 

"Do the Dothraki buy their slaves?" She asked him, knowing the answer, but still playing the part of the clueless girl. She couldn't wait till she could be her own person and start lighting people on fire with her dragons. 

"The Dothraki don't believe in money. Most of their slaves were given to them as gifts." The man told her. 

"From whom?" 

"If you rule a city and you see the horde approaching, you have two choices: pay tribute or fight. An easy choice for most. Of course, sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes a Khal feels insulted by the number of slaves he's given. He might think the men too weak or the women too ugly. Sometimes a Khal decides his riders haven't had a good fight in months and need the practice." He told her just as a nearby rider angrily whips a slave for not moving fast enough. 

"Tell them all to stop." Daenerys told the man, not wanting to be here right now, she wanted a break, and she understood the original Daenerys's hate for this all, now. 

"You want the entire horde to stop? For how long?" He asked her, slightly baffled. 

"Until I command them otherwise." Daenerys told him. 

"You're learning to talk like a Queen." Jorah said, impressed. 

"Not a Queen. A Khaleesi." She corrected before dismounting her horse and walking off through a field off of the path to a nearby clearing as Jorah relays her orders to the rest of the khalasar. She hears noises coming towards her and grass snapping, she knew what was coming and just as she suspected her new brother Viserys stormed into the clearing on horseback wielding a sword. 

"You dare?! You give commands to me? To me?!" He yelled, getting off of his horse and going over to her, grabbing her harshly be the neck. "You do not command the Dragon! I am Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. I don't take orders from savages or their sluts. Do you hear me?" He told her, putting his sword to Daenerys's throat just as one of the blood riders, Rakharo, comes into the area and whips Viserys, wrapping it around his neck and yanking him to the ground, with Irri and Jorah behind him. 

Rakharo asked her something Dothroki, but her mind was spinning to fast to comprehend what was said. 

"Rakharo ask if you want him dead, Khaleesi." Irri told her. 

"No!" She told them, thinking about how he died in the show, she wanted to hold out for that ironic death he got. 

"Maybe the ear will listen if it is removed from the head." Rakharo said in Dothraki with a sadistic grin on his face. 

"Rakharo say you should take ear, to teach respect." Irri told her. 

"Please, please, don't hurt him! Tell him I don't want my brother harmed." She said as Viserys struggled to breathe. 

"Khaleesi does not want him harmed." Irri told him in Dothraki. 

"Huh?" He asked, clearly disappointed, but relents and releases the whip from around Viserys neck. 

"MORMONT! KILL THESE DOTHRAKI DOGS!" Viserys yells at Jorah who looks at Rakharo, but doesn't move. "I AM YOUR KING!" 

"Shall we return to the khalasar, Khaleesi?" Jorah asked instead, turning to Daenerys as Viserys looks at both of them, clearly insulted. Irri helped her back onto her horse as Viserys went to get on his, only to be stopped by Rakharo. 

"Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. You walk." He said before joining Daenerys and Jorah as Viserys stayed behind. 


An hour or so later they finally stopped to make camp and in Daenerys's tent Irri was braiding Daenerys's hair, before she suddenly reached over and grabbed her boobs, causing Daenerys to look at her in amusement. 

"Oh. What are you doing?" She asked, amused. 

"When was last time you bleed, Khaleesi?" She asked the young Queen who frowned down at the girl, thinking that if she was pregnant she didn't want to get attached, knowing how this was going to end. "You change, Khaleesi. It's a blessing from the Great Stallion." The girl said, saying the last part in Dothroki. 


That night in their tent, after Daenerys told him about being pregnant and their nightly sex, she and Drogo laid in the bed as he caressed her back. 

"It's a boy." She told him, speaking in Dothraki. 

"How do you know?" He asked. 

"I know." She told him, trying to keep the pain out of her voice and eyes as she smiled at him, before they kissed. 

She didn't want to let either of them die, but she knew that she couldn't do what she needed to win the war if she kept them. She needed dragons, she needed armies, not a screaming baby and a man who would go against everything she was trying to build. Who would take the slaves she's trying to free for himself, who would kill everyone she'd give mercy to, who would cause more hate and fear than he would love and admiration. 

Who could create a new wheel in the place of the one she was trying to break. 

She knew what she had to do, she just had to be brave enough to do it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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