Saddle Sore

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A few days later Daenerys was riding a long side with the khalasar, travelling through a field to some unknown place. Daenerys was riding apart from the main procession when Jorah road over to her. 

"You need to drink, child. And eat." He told her, handing over a piece of horse jerky. 

"Isn't there anything else?" She asked, amused as she took the jerky, but really she was getting tired of it. She'd prefer a cow or a pig or a duck or hell even a single strawberry, just something other than the same damn thing. 

"The Dothraki have two things in abundance: grass and horses. People can't live on grass. In the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, they say there are fields of ghost grass with stalks as pale as milk that glow in the night. It murders all other grass. The Dothraki believe that one day it will cover everything. That's the way the world will end." He told her before seeing the way she was watching Drogo with a frown, still having not made up her mind about what to do about him yet. "It'll get easier." He told her and with an unconvinced sigh from Daenerys, they both rejoined the khalasar and resume riding. 


Later that day the Dothraki finally stop to make camp, and Daenerys got off her horse as her handmaidens took her into her tent to treat her saddle pains. She was used to it in her old life, but this body wasn't. 

In Daenerys's tent three handmaidens named, Doreah, Irri, and Jhiqui, tend to Daenerys as she looks at her dragon eggs a little bit away, before she spoke to them. 

"Have you ever seen a dragon?" She asked Irri. 

"Dragon gone, Khaleesi." The girl told her and Daenerys frowned, she knew but she had to play dumb. 

"Everywhere? Even in the East?" She questioned. 

"No dragon. Brave men kill them. It is known." Irri told her as Jhiqui nodded in agreement. 

"It is known." 

"A trader from Qarth told me that dragons come from the moon." Doreah told her and Daenerys gave her an intrigued look. 

"The moon?" 

"He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi, that once there were two moons in the sky. But one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat. Out of it poured a thousand, thousand dragons and they drank the sun's fire." Doreah told her and Irri giggled. 

"Moon is no egg. Moon is goddess - wife of sun. It is known." Irri told her. 

"It is known." Jhiqui agreed again. 

"Leave me with her." Daenerys told them and the two left, leaving just Daenerys and Doreah in the tent. "Why did the trader from Qarth tell you these stories?" 

"Men like to talk when they're happy. Before your brother bought me for you, it was my job to make men happy." 

"How old were you?" Daenerys asked, frowning. 

"I was nine when my mother sold me to the pleasure house." 

"Nine?!" Daenerys asked, incredulous. 

"I did not touch a man for three years, Khaleesi. First, you must learn." Doreah told her, trying to calm the new Kahleesi. 

"Can you teach me how to make the Khal happy?" Daenerys asked after a moment. 


"Will it take three years?" 

"No." The girl said and Daenerys smiled slightly. 


An hour or so later (it was hard to tell without a clock) Doreah was teaching her how to better please Drogo, straddling her, while Daenerys was laying on her back and looking sideways. While she might have a sexy body now, she used to be a fat, ugly girl who no one wanted, and while it's been a few days since that changed, it was still going to take some getting used to. 

"No, Khaleesi. You must look in his eyes always." Doreah said, adjusting Daenerys's face so they are looking at each other. "Love comes in at the eyes. It is said that Irogenia of Lys could finish a man with nothing but her eyes." She said, grabbing Daenerys's hands. "Kings traveled across the world for a night with Irogenia. Magisters sold their palaces. Khals burned her enemies just to have her for a few hours. They say a thousand men proposed to her and she refused them all." 

"Well, she sounds like an interesting woman. I don't think that Drogo will like it with me on top." 

"You will make him like it, Khaleesi. Men want what they've never had. And the Dothraki take slaves like a hound takes a bitch. Are you a slave, Khaleesi?" 

"First man to try to take me as such, will be met with death." Daenerys said to her, she was many things, and she had a gentle heart, but that didn't mean she'd let someone treat her like shit. 

With that in mind Doreah places her hands on Daenerys's hips and grinds softly against her. 

"Then don't make love like a slave." Doreah told her and Daenerys let her continue for a few moments before suddenly flipping her around and putting her on her back so she is now on top and Doreah laughs. "Very good, Khaleesi! Out there he is the mighty Khal, but in this tent, he belongs to you." 

"I - I don't think that this is the Dothraki way." 

"If he wanted the Dothraki way, why did he marry you?" Doreah asked and Daenerys smiled slightly to herself. 


Later that night, Daenerys was in bed staring at her dragon eggs when Drogo suddenly comes in, completely naked, and started to bend her over like usual, but this time, she resists. 

"No." She told him, turning back around, and Drogo, looking annoyed, forcibly tried to bend her over. "No!" She repeated, and Drogo now looking angry and looks as though he is about to strike her, but Daenerys grabs his arm before he can. "Tonight, I would look upon your face." She told him in Dothraki. 

After a tense pause, Drago still looks unsure, but relents and lets Daenerys lay him on his back as she climbs on top of him and begins riding him slowly. Slowly but surely, Drogo gets into it. As it progresses, they get more passionate. 

(I know right now is just the same old Daenerys but as time passes you'll see more of Emily shining through) 

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