Grabbing as much as they could think of that would help in this situation, Hayden and Dawson packed up their necessities and left Hayden's apartment. The two climbed into Hayden's car, a black Aston Martin Vantage, and drove to Christie's location. This was the most serious situation the two have had to deal with yet, and the dense silence reflected that. Hayden's knuckles were turning white on his steering wheel; a familiar feeling for him. But it wasn't familiar to have another person feeling the same way as he does sitting in the passenger seat."Do you think this is an immediate threat?" Hayden broke the silence.
Dawson clicked his tongue, shifting in his seat, "No idea. But those two can't stay there and take that risk."
Hayden nodded and sighed, pressing the accelerator down even further.
The two pulled into a parking spot outside of the complex. Stepping out of the car and into the dimly lit street, they grabbed their two duffel bags from the car and quickly made their way into the building. Dawson kept an eye out as they approached the door, making sure no one was watching. Though, he couldn't see beyond the shadows of the abundant alleyways, and that worried him.
Hayden held the door open and the blonde rushed in, the other following suite. They raced up the steps and met Christie's locked door. Dawson knocked firmly a few times, then stood back and waited.
He knocked again. This time, he heard faint shuffling on the other side of the door, followed by numerous sounds of things unlocking... and what seemed to be a security alarm being shut off.
The door then swung open to reveal a distressed Christie, who looked like she had been crying too much and not sleeping enough.
"Thank God you guys are here." She breathed, relieved. Her eyes found their duffel bags, "What is in those?"
"Weapons, mostly." Dawson replied. He then took a step forward into the apartment, but she quickly stopped him.
"Hold on, hold on," She looked to the right of the doorframe and began clicking buttons on a keypad. The two men looked to one another, confused. She noticed their faces, "I'm turning off my metal detector. I turn it on at night."
The men were surprised for a moment, then remembered the type of person they were dealing with here. It was understandable.
One final beep came from the door and Christie let the two men in. They looked around the apartment. It was nice and spacious, yet cozy. They noticed a pink haired girl sleeping on the couch, who they assumed to be Bailey. It was unfortunate that such a nice home had become so unsafe.
"We're not sure how much time we have before things go south here. We need details." Hayden finally spoke to the woman.
She sighed and looked to her dining table, motioning the two to sit down. The men set down their duffel bags beside them and took their seats, Christie following soon after.
"It's an organization called Order of Abaddon," The woman spoke quietly, making sure Bailey didn't wake up, "Like I said, they're another anarchist group. But they hate women, as well as any other minority you can think of. They're awful people and they do awful things from what I read."
Hayden leaned forward onto the table, resting on his elbows, "How do you know they're after you?"
Christie pulled out a piece of paper and turned it towards them. As their eyes traced the writing, she explained, "This is a code. Each number represents a letter of the alphabet. Line it up and it says 'flowers never die', like I told you on the phone. The message was from a user called 'Th3Ord3r', which is clearly them."