"Dunk, table number five is ready to order" First walked besides me and went to the coffee machine.
"Dunk! The washing machine is not working!" I heard Earth screaming from the kitchen, making me roll my eyes.
"Dunk, there's a problem with the cash desk" First called me while he was typing on the screen not knowing what he was doing.
I hurried to table five to take their orders and gave them to First, still busy trying to solve the cash problem. I went to help him and in two seconds it was like new.
"Thanks" said First taking the piece of paper I was still handing him and going to make the coffees.
I entered the kitchen to find Earth with his hands between his hair, almost having a breakdown. "I'm going crazy, I can't understand what's wrong with this thing" he whined pulling his hair in annoyance.
I sighed and came closer to the washing machine, wanting to see what was wrong with it. "Mix is going to kill me" I heard Earth say behind me.
As soon as I found the problem I was close to punching Earth. I got up and stared at him feeling annoyed.
"Earth" I called him, pulling him back to reality. "The soap is missing" i shook my head and went past him, wanting to close myself in the bathroom and scream. Even though Mix and Earth were the owners of the place, the latter sometimes seemed to be incapable of doing anything without Mix.
"Don't tell Mix, please" begged me Earth and i distractedly nodded to him.
"Dunk-" I closed the bathroom door behind me, finally being embraced by silence while i sat on the floor. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, emptying my lungs completely. I put my elbows on my knees, trying to calm myself down a little before going out and keep on working.
You can do it Dunk, think about the fact that in an hour you'll be on your sofa, maybe with a cup of hot chocolate in my hands.
While my breathing was stadying I thought for a second that i would fall asleep on the bathroom floor. I was running out of my daily energies sooner than I thought.
I stood up and washed my face with some cold water, hoping to wake up a little bit. It didn't work, of course.
As soon as I opened the door i saw Earth at the stoves while humming an Ed Sheeran song. I walked past him, hoping that he wouldn't ask me to fix something else.
"Dunk!" I stopped and closed my eyes. Of course I'm not lucky. "Yes?" i said resigned turning to Earth, ready for my next job.
"Go home" he said. I nodded, still without moving. Then I realised. "Wait, what?" I asked confused. "Am I fired?" I asked with my eyes wide open.
"What? No, no. Of course not, Dunk" he waved a hand in front of his face and came closer, putting his hands on my shoulders. "What I meant is, go get some rest. You're done for today" he patted my shoulder and gave a reassuring smile before going back to the stoves.
"Earth, I can do it. It's just one more hour" I said, sighing relieved that he didn't want to fire me. "Don't contradict your boss" he smiled at me winking and pointing to the exit with a nod.
I nodded grateful untying my apron. "Oh and, Dunk" I turned around, close to finally stepping out of the kitchen and being free. "Tomorrow you have the day off" I was already ready to reply but seeing is finger pointed at me made me change my mind.
"No complains, kid" I just smiled at him and I finally reached the counter with the apron in my hands.
"First, i'm going" I informed him, seeing him nod in my direction giving me a high five. "See you at university" he waved at me while I was exiting the Bluee Lagoon with my bag on.

Chasing you.
FanfictionENGLISH VERSION. Jumping between work, school, home and social life, Dunk Natachai never has time to breathe. Since his parents' death, he has a thousand of responsibilities on his shoulders, including taking care of his younger brother Fourth. One...