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Meaning of Tafseer:

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Meaning of Tafseer:

• The word can have three meanings:
> Linguistic; its meaning in the Arabic language.
> Legislative; its meaning in our Sharee'ah, legislation.
> Its meaning in a particular science.

Meaning of the word "Sunnah":
> Linguistic - path/way.
> Legislative - way of the Prophet.
> Science of Fiqh - recommended,
Science of Hadith - anything the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم did, said and affirmed. His characteristics and mannerisms.

• Linguistically it comes from the word - فَسَّرَ/يُفَسِّرُ/تَفسيراً
to clarify, explain, make clear.

(This is how it is derived, in Arabic it's called Wazn, form of the word)

ولا يأتونَكَ بِمَثَلٍ إلّا جِئنٰكَ بالحقِّ وأحسَنَ تفسيرا.
"And they do not come to you with an argument except that We bring you the truth and the best explanation." (Surah al-Furqān, 33)

• Legislative - clarifying the meanings of the āyat (verses) that were revealed to Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.

The References for Tafsīr:
1. Qurān.

  القارعة. ما القارعة. ومآ أدرَىٰك ما القارعة.
The Striking Hour.
What is the Striking Hour?
And how will you come to know of the Striking Hour?

Allāh then explains the Striking Hour in the next verse of this Surah.

2. Authentic Hadith.

• There's no one after Allāh who knows more about the Qurān but the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم.

للذين أحسَنُوا الحُسْنَى وَزِيادَة.
"For those who do good they will be rewarded and receive an increase" (Surah Yunus).

(Allāh does not expound on what that increase is. In order to understand the meaning of this we must refer to the authentic Hadith of the Prophet.)

3. Statements of the (knowledgeable) Companions.
4. Statements of the (knowledgeable) Taabi'een and then Taabi' Taabi'een.

(Those who were the students of the companions, and then those who were their students)

5. Legislative meaning.
6. Linguistic meaning.

Names of the Suratul Faatihah.

Al-Qurtubi mentioned 12 names.
• As-Suyūti mentioned 15 names.
• Another scholar mentioned about 30 names.
• In Arab culture if something has lot of names, then it shows the importance of that thing. This is one of the reasons why Allāh has so many names.
• Allāh does not only have 99 names. The Hadīth mentioned that Allāh has 99 names. He Subhānahū wata'āla more names.

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