Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9, let's go!

Y/n took one last glance at Cerberus and the other horses, ensuring they were safe and unharmed. Cerberus nudged her softly, as if reassuring her, and Y/n gave him a small smile. But as the royal family called her name again, their voices brimming with authority, she did something uncharacteristic. She ignored them.

Their voices grew more urgent, but Y/n didn't stop or turn around. Her mind was swirling with questions, especially about how she had felt Cerberus's pain so vividly. That connection, it wasn't normal. She knew she had magic, but this was something new. Something she needed to understand before facing anyone, especially the royal family. She kept walking, pushing the questions aside for the time being, forcing herself to stay calm. She knew if she didn't, she might do something she'd regret.

King Venali and Queen Solana exchanged glances but let her be. The King spoke low to the knights, his voice firm. "Let her go. Give her time." The knights hesitated for a moment, but then obediently fell back, watching as Y/n disappeared through the gates.

She walked through the town, slower this time, taking in the sights. The wide dirt and gravel path crunched beneath her boots as she strolled, trying to calm the storm brewing inside her. Market vendors called out, people chatted and laughed, but Y/n felt detached from it all. Her eyes drifted across the various shops until one, in particular, caught her attention.

A beautiful dress was displayed in the window of a small boutique. It shimmered in the sunlight, the intricate design and delicate fabric radiating elegance. For a brief moment, Y/n allowed herself to admire it, but reality quickly set in. It was something she could never afford, not with what little she earned from her flower shop. With a sigh, she moved on, trying to push the thought away, though it gnawed at her.

The sight of her shop in the distance brought her back to the present. But as she drew closer, a sinking feeling formed in her chest. Her steps faltered, and her heart clenched painfully. The shop—her home—was in ruins.

She broke into a run, her legs carrying her forward as dread filled her. Maybe her eyes were deceiving her, maybe it wasn't what it seemed. But when she reached the front of the building, the destruction was undeniable. Shattered wood, broken glass, and torn flowers littered the ground. The place she had worked so hard to build, the one place that was truly hers, was gone.

Her breath hitched, rage bubbling beneath the surface. She clenched her fists so tightly her knuckles turned white, her whole body shaking with the force of her anger. "Quid futuis!" she screamed, her voice breaking with frustration and fury.

Everything had spiraled since she'd gone to the castle. It had only been four days—four fucking days—and her life had gone to hell. First the Crimson Bud, then Cerberus, and now her home. Why? Why did everything fall apart the moment she got involved with the royal family? Was this some twisted curse?

Her pulse raced, and the overwhelming urge to destroy something surged through her. But Y/n fought it back, forcing herself to breathe, to think. She dropped to her knees, placing her hand flat on the ground, trying to ground herself. Literally and figuratively.

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