Once you're in there's no backing out

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Chapter 2

Kelsey's POV

I arrived home early cause I feel exhausted and I'm really hungry.
I walked to the kitchen to find my brother making something.

''Hey Jakey! What cha doin?"

He turned around and smiled ''Hey Kiddo, perfect timing I'm making grilled cheese sandwich your favorite" My mouth started watering. "so how's your day?'' He asked

I shrug "eh, typical day" I pulled the closest chair to sit on "everyone's been gushing about this new kid in school as always" I rolled my eyes as O grab some sandwich and start eating.

He scoffed "What's new about that?" I just continue eating my sandwich "so who's the new kid?" He smirked

"That's the thing! Ashely's been fangirling the whole day about this new guy, which in fact she haven't even met or seen and everyone starts saying how hot this guy is"

He furrowed his eyebrows "Is he in one of your classes?"

I shrug "Don't know. Don't care. I don't even know what he looks like"

"Well maybe he has been in one of your classes you just don't know what he looks like" he chuckled

"I would find out the second he walked in class- but since that hasn't happened? I guess he didn't go to class"

"Hmmm.. Sounds like a delinquent to me. The next think you know he'll be in your principal's office anytime soon" he laughs

"And don't you know back in my high school life, I was the Heartthrob" He said proudly

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever helps you sleep at night" he laughs

After finishing his food he stood up to put his plate in the sink. "I love to chat and stay up all night, but I have some errands to run now" he ruffled my hair

"Huh? Where are you going? What errands?"

He sighs "Errands kels, things I have to do for a living" he said casually

I scoffed "since when do you have some 'errands' to do? Every Time I enter this house you always leave the second I sit down on a chair"

He sighs and walked closer to me "Look kels, I'm doing this for the both of us since our parents are barely even around. Just at least leave this to me for once okay?"

"Whatever you're planning to do that better be good" I warned him.

"Yes boss! I prom-"

"I mean it Jake. If you want to do something it better be for the benefit of it. The last thing I want to deal is seeing you in jail this time."

"Promise. Now stop being mom and be kelsey again. You're giving me a headache" he kisses my forehead and grabbed his keys.

"Don't be late!" I shout at him

"I'll try!" He answered. I rolled my eyes and closed the door.



I started driving to town with my car. I hate lying to Kelsey, but I couldn't just tell her what I do for a living. It's the least that I can do. Especially how I'm a fucked up brother.
Being part of a gang is not easy. Sometimes you just have to take risk and put your life at stake for your family. I never plan studying or going to college because high school was all I could handle and then I'm out.

I arrived at this secluded warehouse where we all meet up and get down to business. We're called the 'Guardians' who's most people are afraid of especially we're known as the reckless and scariest group in town.

"Hey men, did you bring em?" I dropped the bag that I was holding on table.

"Yeah, men it's all here" I pat the bag.

"Woah! You must have gotten loads" he rubbed both of his hands together with a satisfying smirk written all over his face.

Two men walks in holding their weapons followed by the most feared of everyone here. Our boss.

Marcus Gonzalez

"Marcus" I cleared my throat.

"Hola¡ hijo. Do you have it?" He sat down and grab a cigar. He blew smoke that came out from his mouth and nose.

"Yes, I have it here" pointing the bag.

"Then you know its worth amigo." He smirks and signals his bodyguards to get something. They brought a suitcase and gave to him. He opens and push it facing me.

" $2,000 will be enough then" he hands me the money. I furrowed my eyebrows not satisfied of what I'm holding.

"This is what I get for threatening a guy? Almost killed him?" I clenched my jaw and leaned forward. This is not enough for me and kelsey.

He chuckles sinisterly "hijo, You're on dealing basic task. Mi compadres have dealt way worse than you. People do come and go, it's just a matter of time and hard work" he smirks

''I need more of that Marcus" I demanded

He rubbed his hands together "you want to get down to business then? You have to work for more"

"Fine, what do you want me to do?"

He starts thinking "You really want money?" I nod.

"Are you willing to take risk?" He asked. I nod again.

"Very well, I want you to go to the nearest jewelry store and get the most expensive jewel that they have"

"So you want me to steal?"

"What Else would you rather do? Say 'hola¡' to your amigo and ask if you want some coffee? I don't deal with mierda here. I run down businesses here; like a tough hombre. Threatening a man was too much of you to handle, so let's level it a little up shall we?"

"Justin and Miguel will go with you. You better know what you're doing because things don't end well around here with you" he explains.

"And to be claro, once you're in there's no backing out. Entiendes?"

I remained silent; contemplating about what I'm going to do next. I don't want to make this a habit; especially if Kelsey finds out.

"It feels that you're having second thoughts hijo, problema?

"No, I'll do it and this better be worth it" I said standing and left.

The Unknown (justin bieber fanfiction) EDITING SOONWhere stories live. Discover now