Discontinued? Closed?

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This is a low effort message to explain what will be happening to this award. In short, it will be rebooted. And what that means is that this award will be relaunch in another year. Either at the end of this year at best if I have time or maybe next year. I am unsure of the exact date.

I would say that the people who were already accepted into the awards can keep their places, but their schedules must have changed over time. I would like to hear from them about this.  

Anyway, I am thinking of making a lot of changes, but I do need opinions from the potential participants. 

For example, whether or not webcomics and anime video games should get their own separate awards or if the anime awards should be separated into anime, manga only, anime video games and webcomics. Personally, I am thinking of making a separate award for webcomics and maybe even kpop. Those types of things. And what type of judging methods would be better for everyone. 

I apologize to those who had entered, looking forward to these awards and I hope I can make a better award that is worthwhile and fun to all of you instead.

Thanks for reading. 

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