Haunted Houses

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My head started killing me, I screamed lightly and Ed pulled over. I just sat there my eyes shut and feeling like someone was smashing my head. Ed started shaking me.

"Query?" he asked several times.

The pain stopped and I just sat there, the pain leaving. I breathed deeply, as I opened my eyes. Full color. Full everything. My sight was back. I noticed Ed's worried look. I took off the sunglasses and set them on the dashboard. I looked at the mirrors to how weird the stitches looked. I touched them, one under my left eye and one above my right eye. My eyes were little lighter and a bit foggier than normal. I returned my eyes to Ed.

"Let's go".

"Whatever you say" he sat pulling off the curb.

"Would you mind telling what that was about?" he asked.

"I got back a little of my vision" I lied.

I got it all back, but I didn't exactly want to tell him just in case things went south. I starred at the widow watching Gotham fly pass. Retaking in all the colors were a bit painful but it was what I needed. I watch the filth and gangsters walk around like they own the streets, it was funny to think that I might end up joining their ranks. My fingers touched the widows, which were surprisingly cold.

~Who do you think you are? Running around leaving scars?~

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"No plan we just get it, get them, get out. Figure out which is the cure, then see what happens next" he said taking the turnoff to the haunted house.

"It's a two-part cure".


"One kills and one cure. We have to kill him and then give him the cure" I told him.

"What if your wrong and he dies?" Ed asked.

"Then I shot my self with his tainted blood and you find the cure".

"You're crazy," he said.

"Well, it's better then second guessing if whoever has them already has what they want. You need to find a cure either way" I told him.

"But I don't want you as a test subject".

"It's just an incentive," I said.

I heard him groan. He flipped off the car a hundred feet in away from the house.

"Got your knife?" He asked.

"Ed no time," I said getting out of the car.

I walked into the shadows and followed up the eerie path, with Ed following right be hide me his breath warm on my neck. The trees were dying and the grass with wilted and darkening. We heard nothing, but there was a few levels going up and probably a few going down. The front door was swung open with the lights on. Ed tapped my shoulder and pointed at the note on the steps. Not just a note but a riddle. This had to be someone close to us.

We answered it within seconds. We walked over to another door with a smiley face on it.. In red... Almost like blood. I opened the door quietly. It was a door with a staircase going down. The lighting was dim and gloom.

"Just like a haunted house," Ed said, before walking down first.

I followed behind him, he made it his job to walk down loudly. He was nearly skipping down the stairs humming some catchy tone. Getting down we found a door with a picture on it. Of my room which I spray painted 'Find me' with a question mark.

"Well we found your second calling card," Ed said with a little laugh.

I pushed the door open first and entered. They were there. Harvey was tied to a chair, but he had no eye cover or a mouth gag. My brother was in bed, his legs and arms handcuffed down and he was passed out.

Redacted Riddle |Edward Nygma|Where stories live. Discover now