Heart Breaker

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Sirens? Did Bullock lie? I sprang out of bed. I ran to the small window to see what was going on. Then Ed came running in. He found me in Jons temporary room.

"There's a car across the street, there was a fire across the street. Were fine" he said.

I noticed the filled up duffle bag in his hand and several empty ones. He saw me looking at it. Then looked around at.

"Im going to miss this place," he said.

Given I knew I couldn't keep my apartment. I looked at the clock. 1 am. Tonight was going to be restless with sirens across the street. He handed me several bags.

"Go dump your bank account, and get stuff packed. I doubt we'll be sleeping much. Ill pack and watch over Jon" he said.

I thanked over and kissed his cheek, "Thank you" I said bouncing off.

I took his car and took off for my apartment first. Since I had like eight bags I had enough space for stuff. I used four bags of my clothes and some food. I stopped by the old house and used two bags for Jons clothes and random stuff from his room. Books and comics mostly. My last stop was the bank. Which I was surprised that is was open 24/7. The woman at the counter greeted me. I told her what I wanted and she laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"Your the second person tonight to empty a large bank account", she said grabbing my duffle bag and started filling it.

She filled both duffle bags, then we started closing my account. Which didn't take much time to do? I thanked her and dragged my bags and threw them into the back of the car. I looked at the outfit next to me. My outfit for work. My last day, before my real work. Shouldn't I be at least freaked out? I killed Barbara. But I didn't seem to feel anything I wonder if this was how Ed felt.

When getting back to the house I grabbed my outfit and my purse so I could my brush my hair, teeth and such. Ed looked at the shirt and started laughing. A purple shirt with a few (on purpose) rips, and a question mark on the back then a pair of black ripped jeans and black combat boots.

"Im not sure what's more of a giveaway. The question mark or us leaving the body".

"Either way they'll know it's us. Might as well make it obvious" I said.

"So I have three buildings picked as hideouts. Which one do you like?" He said pulling me over to three pictures of the building.

One was a run-down plant hatchery, One was an old carnival, and one was perfect. A rundown library. I pointed at the picture of the library. He agreed.

"I thought you'd like that one. Plus rumor has it, there's a lab like the one in the forensics unit for the college class that was taught there. I think it would come in handy" he said.

"I think your car can't hold everything," I said.

"That's why I have a friend coming over after work. With truck. After we quit we have an hour" he said.

"Are you going to miss the station?" I asked.

"Every day. But it's not who I am" he said.

"I'm gonna miss it," I said.

We still had a few hours before the doors to work would even open, so we took a nap. My dreams were vivid and creepy, but it was normal. I wondered what Ed was dreaming about... Or what Jon was dreaming about. I woke after Ed to a sweet smell of coffee. I got up off the sofa to go to the kitchen, then was toast and bacon. He made it extra crispy and he made a smooth and a thinner drink for Jon. My heart melted noticing that.

Redacted Riddle |Edward Nygma|Where stories live. Discover now