Chapter 19: Preparation (kinda short)

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Tricia slowly opens her eyes as she slowly sat up.  She was then confused.  Wait, she was being tortured by Veyle along with the others earlier, so how did she-.


Tricia instantly recognized that voice.  It belonged to her best friend Sheya.

"Sheya!  You're alright, but what happened?  Where are we?"

"Its a long story Tricia, but to keep it brief, the first two heroes that were summoned, -Leafa and Tharso- sacrificed themselves and their ability to set us free.  We were stuck in a coma for a bit, you're also the last one awake."

Kara then approaches them along with Emblem Shareana and Alfonse.

"Its good to see your friend has finally woken up."  Kara says with a smile.  "I must admit, your uniform says that you're a member of the Order of Heroes, but none of our worlds ever had a body guard named "Tricia" before."

"Well, for starters, the King assigned me to guard his highness after his sister vanished years ago.  I managed to actually meet the Princess in the Realm of Dreams and Nightmares along with Mirabilis, Plumeria, and my sister who doesn't remember me anymore and goes by the name Triandra."

Shareana gasps.  "Wait!  Triandra is your sis- that makes you-!"

"Eh?  Something wrong."

"N-never mind that.  Now that you're awake, we should catch up to the rest.  Unfortunately, I don't think Princess is taking it lightly..."

"Princess...?"  Emblem Alfonse asks curiously.

Kara slightly panics. That's right, they never revealed who their parents were.  "Ak!  D-did that slip?!  S-sorry!  Gotta go now!"  Kara sweats pretty hard as she dashes away, probably looking for Manuela.

"I don't know what just happened, but shouldn't we head to the war council now?"  Sheya asks.

"Yeah, but we can't do it without Kira- wait!  Why did Kara call Kira princess anyways?"

"I don't think that's important right now Shareana.  For now, we need to figure out how help Kira pull herself together..."

At Kira's personal quarters...

Kira just sat on her bed, hugging her knees as she is filled with regret.  She couldn't save her auntie; it felt like she lost her again.

"What do I do now...?  I can't even save someone who mentally died..."

"You have to pull yourself together Princess...."


Kira falls of her bed and realizes she was now seeing...  Ash??

"Lady Ash?!!?  I thought you died?!!"

"I did, but now that you inherited the Power of Openness, it seems that you are the only one who can see me like how Byleth can only see Sothis, or in the world of Hopes where Shez only sees Arval."

"Oh, so...  you're technically inside of me?  Am I your vessel?"

"First question, yes.  The power is within your heart quite literally.  Second question, no.  You can just see what's left of me.  And if you're strong enough, probably my father too."

Kira just looked dumfounded.  "How am I the only one in Askr's family who can do this...?  I'm probably going to get an existential crisis later..."

"Its actually because you absorbed more of the power of Openness than usual.  But back to business!  Pull yourself together!  You can't stop Veyle at this rate!"

"But I-."

"No buts!  You promised me you wouldn't let the past slow you down!  If you keep on locking yourself up, Leafa and Tharso's sacrifice will be in vain!  Although...  there's something quite off..."

"Yeah, you're right for both things.  One, I definitely can't stay sad forever, and secondly, Leafa did say something about a twist in their sacrifice."

"Hmm...  I wonder..."

There was a knock on the door.  It was Princess Hortensia.

"Kira!  I hope you're doing alright in there.  Ivy said the meeting will start in a few minutes."

"I'm coming Princess Hortensia!  Just a second!"  She turned back to Ash.  "Thanks for everything Lady Ash."

After Kira left her room however, Ash slumps down on the bed as she sighs.  Suddenly, Askr appears beside her.  Turns out he could always appear.  He just chose not to show himself.  And why exactly?

"You didn't tell her, did you?"

"I didn't.  Not yet...."  She says sadly.  "If I could, I could tell her that the spirits of Askr's previous heirs like her grandfather are also within her too to keep close eyes on her but..."  She then looks down with sadness.  "How can I tell her there's a missing spirit?  I need to tell her but, it would imply that that person..."

"Had not just fallen, but had become a Corrupted too..."


War Council...

"Before we charge into Evil Veyle's base, we first have to destroy all her three shards.  Luckily, Veyle can help us find it!"  Alear declares.  "But before that, I should warn you all that this whole new war could kill you all.  Are you really sure this is what you want?"

They all cheered and nodded their head and so on.

"I'm glad to know.  Firstly, I'd like to entrust the Rings, Bracelets, and Necklaces to some of you."  Alear says seriously.  "I'll be using Emblem Marth's, Alfred will be using Emblem Sigurd, Celine will be using Emblem Celica, Diamant will be using Emblem Roy, Alcryst Emblem Byleth, Ivy will be using Emblem Lyn, Hortensia will be using Emblem Lucina, Timerra will be using Emblem Ike, Arcaine will be using Emblem Caeda, Veyle will be using Emblem Corrin, Nel will be using Emblem Eirika and Ephriam, and Rafal will be using the bracelet of the Three House leaders..."  There was a short pause.  "And the rest will go to..."


"That's all there is to know about the plan.  Any questions?"

They all shook their heads.

"Good.  Veyle, can you locate the first Shard?"

"I'll try..."

As she closes her eyes and focuses, her eyes widened.  "I found the first shard.  Its located at the Sealed Forest.  Only one problem.  There two Corrupted soldiers guarding it, and not just any corrupted..."

"Let me guess...  My mother is one of them..."  Byleth says sadly as he looks away.

"I'm sorry Professor, but yes.  Mr. Seteth's wife is also one of them..."


A/N:  I don't really know who to give the other emblems to.  But just letting you know, the characters who really need one (for story reasons) will be Byleth, Jeralt, Flaynn, Seteth, Kira, Kara.

Sorry if its short.  I don't have a lot of motivation and ideas right now.  Though there'll be an angsty chapter regarding to the third shard and the pre-final battle, so I'm thinking of ideas right now...

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