The Story of My Pregnancy

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I am Rose' Alsina. I am the wife of RnB singer August Alsina. I am pregnant with his first child and my second child. I have a son who name is the same as his step-father so in that order we call him 'Aj'. Aj is now 4 years old and he adore August so much. Aj's father is current doing his time in prison so he won't be seeing Aj for a while.

So right now I want you to join us on our journey as we give birth to our child. It started when we dropped off Aj at August's mother house for the week since we was going to Miami and then Maui. We went at it all week being like we were some young freaky ass couples. We enjoyed our week and then my mom wanted Aj for the week and we did our fun again.

The symptoms wasn't as harsh as I thought it would be. I mean I experienced breast enlargement, morning sickness, weird food cravings and frequently using the damn bathroom. I kept telling myself I was pregnant, but I didn't want to believe it. So, eventually I gave in and took some tests then saw it. Nothing but '+' everywhere. Gosh, here I am pregnant with a baby again.

The only thing August hated the most was my emotion. He couldn't stand my emotional ass. The hormones was making my husband stay away from me because he was scared what was gone come out of me. I remember I screamed at him because he ate all my ice cream and he just looked at me like I was crazy. After 20 minutes of him staring at me, I started crying. Yes, those hormones will get you girls, your man ain't even gone like you for a while. I know August was trying to help me through it.

The food craving was ridiculous. Like I was eating weird shit everyday and I just don't understand it. August recorded me doing some of my nasty ass creations. Once I had this baby, I thought it would be kinda cool to see what it actually taste like. I threw everything up. Don't try nothing you had while you was pregnant. I don't recommend it. My craving were just weird as I thought. I am a big juice girl, so I was making this one juice I drunk everyday, it consist of coconut water with banana, eggplants, hot cheeto and kale. What type of juice is that?

I would also make ice cream pickle sandwiches with brownies. I swear I hate being pregnant because you just eat anything your child wants. I did eat some normal food too, like my favorite ones were hot wings with a large extra cheesy pizza. I loved August when he bought them home every other Fridays.

When we found out we were having a girl, August was going crazy in the car. He was talking to my stomach as if the baby was actually here. He was saying she couldn't even have a boyfriend until she was 78 years old and that she couldn't have no friends or anything. Messing around with August, my baby girl is going to be a loner. I am not letting that happen.

We went shopping for our baby girl. I couldn't even believe I was having my first girl as I dreamed. I always thought Aj was a girl until the doctor told me he was a boy when he born. I was so pissed because I bought everything for my daughter. I didn't buy as much as I thought I was because I don't want to be in that same situation and then I have to return everything back.

I decided that I wanted to let my mother and mother in law to plan my baby shower. I didn't want them two fighting over it because when I was getting married they argued over everything so I said team work bitches. The baby shower was extremely fun. I really did enjoy myself. August on the hand was not trying to be his mother's baby in one game. 

She had him put on a pink boxer so she could get the diaper on him and dress him in this onesie, but he wasn't having that so she ended up using my brother. My mother didn't mind because she had my older brother. I had too many brothers so we was good. The food was great and the music was popping. I was dancing my pregnant ass off and August told me to sit down but I wasn't having that.

Once everything settled down we decided to go ahead and open the gifts. Everybody bought everything that was on my list. I was really happy that everybody decided to go with my list because if they didn't I probably would have beat somebody's ass. August and my brother packed everything in the car and the only thing we was missing was my son. We left him at my mothers thinking he was in his car seat.  We thought he was sleep in his car seat because he was quite. My mother called saying Aj was in the pin sleep and I looked back at his car seat. I laughed and then told August.

Now we was in my final days of being pregnant and let me tell you this, it was the worst days of my life. I couldn't stand being pregnant. I wanted her out of me and everything. I was overdue and she wasn't trying to come out for nothing. We made an appointment for me to get induced into labor and that she would be ready. Once I was induced in the hospital, I was in labor 29 hours with child. I was ready to push, but the doctor said I wasn't ready to give birth.

There was this weird nurse and she was trying to flirt with my man during my delivery. So, I had to set that ass straight with her because once you crossed the line with me, I am gone turn into a bitch within 00.3 seconds and you don't want that. So the doctor had to kindly ask the nurse to leave and another nurse will assist me. She looked at me and laughed at me. "Wait until I have this baby bitch, I am coming after you!!" I yelled out and August calmed me down.

A few pushes later, our baby girl was finally born and I couldn't believe it. She was beautiful with her father's skin and feature so I was jealous because I knew she was going to look more like her father than me. So here I am caring for my family the best way I can and I love being their mother and wife!
Rose, I hope you enjoyed your imagine. Thanks for requesting love. Please like & comment Rose's imagine.

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