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The summer just ended, I'm leaving for college today.
I'm moving from Ulsan to Seoul. I've only been there once, last Christmas when I visited Wooyoung at his frat.
But now, I'm going to live there, it's crazy.
I packed my stuff in boxes, emptying my bedroom closets. It feels so weird, scary and exciting at the same time.

I throw one last look at my empty room before feeling two hands landing on my hips and a kiss in my neck.

Wooyoung : Are you ready to go ?
Mijin : I don't know.
Wooyoung : Only one way to find out then, let's go.

We put my boxes in the trunk of the car, I say the last goodbyes to my parents before getting in myself and drive away with Woo.

For the first hour on the road, I don't say a word and stare through the window.

Wooyoung : Are you okay ?
Mijin : It feels weird.
Wooyoung : You're already homesick ?
Mijin : I think I'm just anxious, what if I don't fit in ?
Wooyoung : Lee Mijin, I know you, of course you will fit in ! And if you don't, I'm here.
Mijin : We won't have the same schedules, I can't be with you all the time.
Wooyoung : Well you can always see my friends, they loved you when you met them last Christmas. Trust me, you'll be just fine.
Mijin : What if I don't get along with my roommate ?
Wooyoung : Then screw her, you won't need her.
Mijin : You promise ?
Wooyoung : Of course, just relax.

Four more hours on the road before we finally reached the campus. Our first stop is Woo's frat house, he just has to empty his suitcase while I have to settle all of my stuff.
He parks the car and we both get out, entering the house. As soon as we get inside, one of his friends jumps on him.

San : You're finally here ! You were supposed to arrive an hour ago, I was waiting for you.
Wooyoung : Sorry, we left late ! Mijin had to say goodbye, you know she left her parents.
San : Right, sorry. I'm glad you got in KNU, welcome to the campus !
Mijin : Thank you, I hope it will be as good as Wooyoung promised.
San : It will be, don't worry.
Seonghwa : Hey, you got here !

We turn around and see Seonghwa, the oldest in the frat by one year.

Seonghwa : Hi Mijin, have you settled in your dorm already ?
Mijin : Not yet.
Wooyoung : I'm leaving my stuff here, then we're going. Hey, is Yeosang here yet ?
San : No, he's coming tonight.
Wooyoung : Okay. We should go to my room now, we still have a lot to do.
Seonghwa : Settle in well !

We get up to his room, he empties his suitcase then, we get back in the car and he parks right in front of the dorms's building.
We speak to a staff of the university who shows us my room and we get all of my boxes in there.
As we start emptying them, someone knocks on the door and a brown haired guy enters the room.

??? : Hi, I'm Jongho. They told me this was my room, I guess you're my roommate ?

He looks at Wooyoung and we stare at him in confusion for a second.

Wooyoung : This isn't my room, it's her's.
Jongho : Oh, I guess I'm in the wrong one then, sorry. Do you know where number 201 is ?
Mijin : Wait, this is 201.
Jongho : How is that possible, we're not supposed to be mixed, right ?
Wooyoung : No you're not, let me get a staff member.

He goes out of the room.

Jongho : Sorry.
Mijin : No, it's not your fault, it might just be a mistake. I'm Mijin by the way.
Jongho : Is it your first year ?
Mijin : Yeah, it is. You too ?
Jongho : Yep, what are you studying ?
Mijin : Literature.
Jongho : Seriously ? Me too !
Mijin : Really ? Well instead of being roommates, we can at least see each other during class.

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