Gift of the World(2)

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From the moment Rimuru reincarnated untile he met Veldora was almost the same as in the Anime.

Days had passed since Rimuru had been named by the Storm Dragon, Veldora, marking the beginning of his journey to rebuild his life in this strange new world. The moment the powerful name "Rimuru Tempest" was bestowed upon him, he had felt a surge of power coursing through his small, slime body. It was overwhelming at first, the raw energy of Veldora's name amplifying every aspect of his being.

Soon after, his form had changed.

He looked down at his tiny hands, delicate and small, the hands of a child. When he first saw his reflection in a pool of water, he had been taken aback. His new human form resembled that of a five-year-old child, with soft features, sapphire-blue eyes, and silver hair that shimmered faintly like starlight.

Rimuru chuckled to himself. If only they knew the power hidden beneath this innocent appearance.

In the days following his transformation, Rimuru had spent time practicing his powers in secret. He had to master the immense energy bestowed upon him by the Voice of the World. His Omnipotent Evolution was a hidden ace, one that could rewrite his existence at will. But even with all his strength, he was careful. He chose to act like a naive, playful child around Veldora. There was no need to reveal his true nature just yet.

Veldora had been an entertaining companion, to say the least. The dragon, imprisoned for centuries, was boisterous, proud, and incredibly protective of his "little buddy." They talked for hours, mostly Veldora rambling about his exploits while Rimuru occasionally humored him. But now, it was time to leave the cave and begin the next chapter of his journey.

(I forgot to say but the timeline in this story is not the same as in the Anime)

As Rimuru stepped out of the cave into the bright light of the forest, his senses sharpened. The wind, the chirping of distant birds, and the rustle of leaves, it all felt vivid and alive. His small form moved effortlessly through the terrain, but even as he smiled at the beauty around him, he remained cautious. This world was dangerous, and he would not be caught off guard.

Suddenly, the air grew cold.

The temperature around him plummeted, and the serene forest atmosphere was replaced by a suffocating chill. Rimuru froze in place, his instincts screaming at him. He could feel it, a powerful presence approaching, far more intense than anything he had encountered before. It wasn't like Veldora's aura of chaotic power; this was refined, ancient, and cold as death.

He turned his gaze upward, and that's when he saw her.

Descending gracefully from the sky, her form shimmering with a frosty aura, was a woman of breathtaking beauty. Her long, ice-blue hair flowed behind her like a cascade of frozen waterfalls, and her eyes, glowing with an ethereal light, were cold yet piercing. She wore an elegant dress of white and silver, and every movement she made seemed to carry the weight of centuries of wisdom and power.

Rimuru's heart raced, but he suppressed his growing excitement. He had heard and read enough in this world to know who she was. Velzard, the Frost Dragon, Veldora's older sister.

"Ah..." Rimuru thought, quickly shifting his demeanor, softening his expression, and making his body language as innocent as possible. If Velzard was anything like her brother, this would be a delicate situation.

The dragoness landed softly before him, her gaze narrowing slightly as she took in his form. The cold surrounding her was intense, but Rimuru stood his ground, playing the role of the wide-eyed, clueless child.

"You," she said, her voice low and regal, "you possess my brother's aura. Tell me, little one, how did you come to leave Veldora's side?"

Rimuru blinked up at her, forcing a sheepish smile. "Um... Veldora named me Rimuru, and I left the cave because I wanted to see the world." He tilted his head, letting a hint of childish wonder creep into his voice. "Are you Veldora's big sister?"

Velzard's icy expression softened just slightly, though her aura remained fierce. She knelt down, bringing her face closer to his. The frost in the air dissipated, replaced by a curious warmth as her eyes scanned him.

"Yes, I am Velzard, the Frost Dragon," she replied, her gaze lingering on him. "I can sense a strange power within you... but also something incomplete. Broken."

Rimuru's mind raced, but he remained composed. She must have sensed the fragment of the True Dragon factor within me. Though his Omnipotent Evolution allowed him to manipulate and grow his power, he was careful to keep certain aspects of himself hidden, especially from beings like Velzard. Still, her curiosity was dangerous.

Before he could respond, Velzard's expression changed. A soft smile graced her lips, a smile that sent a chill down Rimuru's spine.

"You're a curious little thing," she said, her tone much lighter now. "And... quite adorable." Her icy demeanor melted away, replaced by something almost maternal. She reached out and patted Rimuru on the head gently. "You're too small to be wandering this dangerous world on your own."

Rimuru blinked, playing along perfectly. "I-I'm not that small," he protested, puffing out his cheeks in mock defiance, looking every bit the part of an innocent five-year-old.

Velzard chuckled, a low and pleasant sound, though the weight of her presence never fully lifted. "Oh, but you are," she said softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "And I have decided... I shall take care of you."

Rimuru's mind froze for a split second, but his childlike expression never wavered. "Take care of me?" He repeated, tilting his head.

"Yes," she said firmly, as if it were already decided. "You shall stay with me. I sense you are no ordinary creature, but something about you draws me in. A broken True Dragon Factor... fascinating." Her voice trailed off, but her hand continued to rest on his head, almost like a protective gesture. "You'll need someone to guide you until you're strong enough. You're much too cute to leave out here in the wild."

Rimuru's mind raced. Velzard, taking care of me? The thought was absurd, but at the same time, it could be an incredible opportunity. Velzard, a True Dragon, was one of the most powerful beings in existence. Staying close to her could provide invaluable protection and knowledge. And... he could keep playing his role.

"Okay!" Rimuru chirped, putting on his best innocent smile. "I'll stay with you, Miss Velzard!"

Velzard's gaze softened even more. She scooped Rimuru up into her arms effortlessly, cradling him as one would a small child. "Good," she murmured, her voice filled with a strange mix of affection and curiosity. "Now, let's go."

As they ascended into the sky, Rimuru glanced down at the forest below, his innocent facade never faltering. This will be interesting, he thought, hiding a sly smile. He would play the part of the cute, naive child for now. But when the time came, those who thought he was just a harmless little creature would see the true terror he could unleash.

As they soared through the sky, Velzard holding him like a precious treasure, Rimuru made a silent vow.

When I face my enemies, they will tremble before the God-King. But until then...

He looked up at Velzard, who gazed at him with an almost tender expression.

"I'll be the perfect little brother, at least better than Veldora."

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